You really should not be trying to bypass school blocks/filters to play games. There is a reason for those blocks. Mainly, I assume, so that you get actual work done while at school and not play games.
You really should not be trying to bypass school blocks/filters to play games. There is a reason for those blocks. Mainly, I assume, so that you get actual work done while at school and not play games.
I will laugh my head off if he's a teacher....
Anyway, I doubt you're that deprived that you need to play in school...
I don't think my school blocks all gaming sites. One time at school I saw this one dude on miniclip or something. Check if all the plugins are enabled within the browser. Also, you should check the firewall status. I doubt schools will allow you to download any flash player. One guy in my class tried downloading Chrome but it didn't work
thats rather sad,instead of getting an answer i get a bunch of trolls. and the only reason im trying to play is because my work is done. next time think before you assume somthing
As a wise man once said: "I'm sorry that you feel that way old man."
For the record, my answer was valid. There are legitimate reasons for your school to block whatever sites they see fit. It is not my job nor responsibility (nor that of the rest of the Community) to tell you how to bypass school filters. Besides, it is much easier to enjoy our games on your own time. At your leisure. At home.