Machine Gunner: M1919 Medium Mg's/Bren light Mg/ DP 28 LMG, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 1 M2 frags/M.36M Mk.1 "Mills bombs"/RGD. 33's, M1A1 Bazooka/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Sniper: Scoped M1917 enfield/same/Scoped Mosin Nagant, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Camouflaged Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Pilot:M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 5 No.74 Sticky grenades/same/Molotov Cocktails, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, Repair Kit, Ability to use vehicles 5 misc. items of your choice
Medic:M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Medkit, Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Axis Classes
it goes Germany/Italy/Japan
Rifleman: Karabiner 98K/Carcano M1981/Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 3 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Assault: MP-40/Beretta M.38/Type 100, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, 3 Panzerwurfmine's/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Machine gunner: MG-34/Breda M.30/Type 3 MG, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 1 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Panzerfaust/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Sniper: Scoped K98/Scoped Carcano/Scoped Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Camo Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
Pilot:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Panzerwurfmines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, Repair kit, Ability to use vehicles, 5 misc. items of your choice
Medic:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice
now you can make your own class, but explain it
to the sheet!
Name: Age: Gender: Class: Nationality: include whether axis or allies Personality: least 3 Phy.Desc.:least 3 Traits: i make from your personality/or desc. Bio: optional, least 5 sentences Perk: i make from bio ---------------------- Squad: 4 (put how what class each squad member is and their names) Weapons: Uniforms: Misc.: you can make 5 ---------------------- Health: 100/100 Condition:
Is thgere any established routine (say, ringing a bell or playing with a radio at regular intervals), that could indicate 'checking up'? And describe where the sentries are actually at (bunker, tower, whatever), and whether oir not the place is well-lit or not.
people in buildings. like the french resistance they fright from the buildings
Richthofen hits the dirt and the rest of the Germans run for the buildings. Also, that was kind of a bad move on the part of the villagers...Richthofen was the only one keeping the Germans from killing them, now the Germans won't bother with nonlethality.
Is thgere any established routine (say, ringing a bell or playing with a radio at regular intervals), that could indicate 'checking up'? And describe where the sentries are actually at (bunker, tower, whatever), and whether oir not the place is well-lit or not.
can't tell the lighting, the sentries have small little sandbag walls for defense and no not that you know of
Richthofen hits the dirt and the rest of the Germans run for the buildings. Also, that was kind of a bad move on the part of the villagers...Richthofen was the only one keeping the Germans from killing them, now the Germans won't bother with nonlethality.
the other snipers and gunners from teh building pin them while the villagers in the square get behind the others. the guy with the pistols pulls whatshisface in front of him with a fully loaded pistol in his hand
the other snipers and gunners from teh building pin them while the villagers in the square get behind the others. the guy with the pistols pulls whatshisface in front of him with a fully loaded pistol in his hand
By "Whatshisface" you mean...?
Again, Richthofen is out of it for the moment. If they wanted nonviolence he's probably the worst person for them to have shot....
Name:Samuel Black Age:20 Gender:Male Class:Assault Nationality: USA Personality: Distant; Organized; Impatient Phy.Desc.:Tall, Black, Muscular, Brown Eyes, Black Hair Traits: i make from your personality/or desc. Bio: Sorry, no Bio, I'm not good with this stuff. Perk: i make from bio ---------------------- Squad: Daniel Miller [Assault], Lamar Johnson [Assault], Larry Bricks [Rifleman], Mathew 'Matt' Connor [Rifleman] Weapons: As per the respective classes. Uniforms: Military Fatigues, Steel Helmet Misc.: Flares, First Aid Kit, Binocular, Radio [Me] ---------------------- Health: 100/100 Condition:
I only put four Misc. Items because of the First Aid Kit, but if you think that I need more or less just change accordingly.
Also would you be so kind as to let me out of the more 'Covert' missions? What I really like is the heat of the battle!
cooked, anyone who got near them is incapacitated (rolled low but not low enough to die)
Beckenbauer and Metzinger are out of it then.
Worst possible person to threaten, he's one of only two people who doesn't care if he dies(the other one being Richthofen, but for a totally different reason).
Name:Samuel Black Age:20 Gender:Male Class:Assault Nationality: USA Personality: Distant; Organized; Impatient Phy.Desc.:Tall, Black, Muscular, Brown Eyes, Black Hair Traits: i make from your personality/or desc. Bio: Sorry, no Bio, I'm not good with this stuff. Perk: i make from bio ---------------------- Squad: Daniel Miller [Assault], Lamar Johnson [Assault], Larry Bricks [Rifleman], Mathew 'Matt' Connor [Rifleman] Weapons: As per the respective classes. Uniforms: Military Fatigues, Steel Helmet Misc.: Flares, First Aid Kit, Binocular, Radio [Me] ---------------------- Health: 100/100 Condition:
bro, weapons armor and misc. are all for you
Also would you be so kind as to let me out of the more 'Covert' missions? What I really like is the heat of the battle!
Worst possible person to threaten, he's one of only two people who doesn't care if he dies(the other one being Richthofen, but for a totally different reason).
Name: Tom Age: 22 Gender: M Class: Assault Trooper Nationality: American (Allies) Personality: jokey, calm, inpatient. Phy.Desc.:Medium strength, dark brown hair, pale skin. Traits: i make from your personality/or desc. Bio: Graduated from a state college in New Jersey in 1942. He was immediately drafted into the Marines. Never got to say goodbye to his family, this mean machine is tired of waiting at the back of the front lines. All he wants is to fight, but he never gets to, because every time he gets to it, it's already over. Joined with the 44th Battalion in '43, and his sqaud is the most unruly. Perk: i make from bio
Squad: Aaron, Rifleman; Jack, Sniper; Bane, Machine Gunner; and Sam, Medic Weapons: Thompson M1927, M1911A1 pistol, Morphine Needle, 5 M2 Frags, 3 No. 74 Sticky Grenades, Ka-Bar knife. Uniform: Military Fatigues, could I add M2 helmet? Misc.: Notebook, Flashlight, Lighter, Watch, and Fortune from fortune cookie.