ForumsForum GamesWWIISBG (World War II Squad Based Game)

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well hyper, Sirnoobs, trooper, you know what this is :P

anywho the name implies what this is so, ONTO CLASSES, HAHA!

it goes: American/British/Russian

Rifleman: 1903 Springfield rifle/Lee enfield Mk.II/Mosin Nagant M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 3 M2 frags/M.36M Mk.1 "Mills bombs"/RGD. 33's, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice

Assault Trooper: Thompson M1927/Sten/PPD-40, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 5 M2 frags/M.36M Mk.1 "Mills bombs"/RGD. 33's, 3 No.74 Sticky grenades/same/Molotov Cocktails, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice

Machine Gunner: M1919 Medium Mg's/Bren light Mg/ DP 28 LMG, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 1 M2 frags/M.36M Mk.1 "Mills bombs"/RGD. 33's, M1A1 Bazooka/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice

Sniper: Scoped M1917 enfield/same/Scoped Mosin Nagant, M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Camouflaged Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice

Pilot:M.1891, M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 5 No.74 Sticky grenades/same/Molotov Cocktails, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Military Fatigues, Repair Kit, Ability to use vehicles 5 misc. items of your choice

Medic:M1911A1 pistol/same/Nagant M.1895, Morphine Needle, 2 No. 77 smoke grenade/same/same, Ka-bar/F-S Knife/NR-40, Medkit, Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice

Axis Classes

it goes

Rifleman: Karabiner 98K/Carcano M1981/Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 3 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice

Assault: MP-40/Beretta M.38/Type 100, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, 3 Panzerwurfmine's/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice

Machine gunner: MG-34/Breda M.30/Type 3 MG, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 1 Model 24 Grenade (with frag sleeve)/Bomba M1935/Type 97, Panzerfaust/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice

Sniper: Scoped K98/Scoped Carcano/Scoped Arisaka, Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Camo Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice

Pilot:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 5 Panzerwurfmines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet, Military Fatigues, Repair kit, Ability to use vehicles, 5 misc. items of your choice

Medic:Walther P38/Beretta M1934/Nambu Type.14, Morphine Needle, 2 S-mines/same/same, Kampfmesser 42/same/Type 30 bayonet,Medical Military Fatigues, 5 misc. items of your choice


now you can make your own class, but explain it

to the sheet!

Nationality: include whether axis or allies
Personality: least 3
Phy.Desc.:least 3
Traits: i make from your personality/or desc.
Bio: optional, least 5 sentences
Perk: i make from bio
Squad: 4 (put how what class each squad member is and their names)
Misc.: you can make 5
Health: 100/100

anywho get to joining. sorry hyper, not WWI :P

  • 6,615 Replies
16,287 posts

he throws a nade and one doesn't notice then gets blowed up

no yelling, no remorse?

26,390 posts

no yelling, no remorse?

Well, Metzinger is swearing like a sailor. Richthofen is taking it like a man, but he'd be praying if he wasn't busy killing them. The unnamed guy is, of course, just a cardboard cutout. Wittgenstein is about five seconds away from puking. Gottschlieben and Beckenbauer want to go try and help them, but Heiskanen won't let them, because he thinks they'll just get the same fate or worse.

he throws a nade and one doesn't notice then gets blowed up

The infantry and MGs start shooting, while Richthofen lobs a Nebeleihandgranate and a regular frag grenade.
16,287 posts

Well, Metzinger is swearing like a sailor. Richthofen is taking it like a man, but he'd be praying if he wasn't busy killing them. The unnamed guy is, of course, just a cardboard cutout. Wittgenstein is about five seconds away from puking. Gottschlieben and Beckenbauer want to go try and help them, but Heiskanen won't let them, because he thinks they'll just get the same fate or worse.

they are blinded and they retreat taking their gunz with them deeper in city

26,390 posts

they are blinded and they retreat taking their gunz with them deeper in city

Aww, the actual grenade didn't get any? I figured if he blinded them and then threw the grenade, they'd get blown up.
Anyway, now the medics rush forward and start patching them up.
16,287 posts

rolled too low

cutout is dead, the other two are stable

26,390 posts

cutout is dead, the other two are stable

Lol, poor cardboard cutout.
Metzinger stands up and starts muttering about how lucky those limeys got. Richthofen says a quick prayer of thanks and moves on. They start slowly moving into the city, leaving the snipers and medics behind. The pilots check for traps and Richthofen scours the area for enemies with his binoculars before they enter any area.
16,287 posts

Lol, poor cardboard cutout.

i'm loling at teh thought of doing mouth to mouth and CPR to an actual shot up cardboard cutout

the pilot see's none down teh first street. it's quiet...too quiet
26,390 posts

i'm loling at teh thought of doing mouth to mouth and CPR to an actual shot up cardboard cutout


the pilot see's none down teh first street. it's quiet...too quiet

Is there any other route they can take?
16,287 posts

Is there any other route they can take?

a few smaller side streets could fit the smaller panzers
26,390 posts

a few smaller side streets could fit the smaller panzers

Or this might be just what they want...small side streets are perfect for ambushes...
The assault and infantry troops move into the first building in the big road cautiously to clear it, with the pilots checking for traps. The MGs dig down.
16,287 posts

Name: Mathias Amstultz.
Age: 31.
Gender: Male.
Physical Desc.: 5'11, pale, muscular.
Personality: Quiet, hardworking, intelligent.
Trait: stfu: you are a gewd sneaker
Bio: A Swiss doctor who attended university in Munich, Germany, and joined the Swiss Navy as a medic to complete his residency. He moved to Zurich, Switzerland to begin research on biomedical science shortly after leaving the Navy, but still remembers most of his training.
Perk you're better at doctoring and whatnot
Weapon: SIG P226, MP7, Silencer.
Armor: Shirt, Windbreaker, Jeans, Tennis Shoes.
Misc.: First Aid Kit, Flashlight, Swiss Army Knife, Nylon Rope(20 ft), Matches(24), 50 DE bullets, BMW.
Health: 100/100

free of anything really

also, you face no resistance still

26,390 posts

Name: Mathias Amstultz.
Age: 31.
Gender: Male.
Physical Desc.: 5'11, pale, muscular.
Personality: Quiet, hardworking, intelligent.
Trait: stfu: you are a gewd sneaker
Bio: A Swiss doctor who attended university in Munich, Germany, and joined the Swiss Navy as a medic to complete his residency. He moved to Zurich, Switzerland to begin research on biomedical science shortly after leaving the Navy, but still remembers most of his training.
Perk you're better at doctoring and whatnot
Weapon: SIG P226, MP7, Silencer.
Armor: Shirt, Windbreaker, Jeans, Tennis Shoes.
Misc.: First Aid Kit, Flashlight, Swiss Army Knife, Nylon Rope(20 ft), Matches(24), 50 DE bullets, BMW.
Health: 100/100

Why do I get the feeling they're waiting until we send the tanks in to attack?
They move on to the next building and the next and the next with the same procedure. They also check for any manholes, basements, anything.

26,390 posts

Name: Karl von Richthofen.
Age: 24.
Gender: Male.
Class: Fallschirmjager Assault.
Nationality: German[Axis].
Personality: Disciplined but compassionate; loyal to God before country; intelligent but courageous.
Phy.Desc.: Tall, muscular, Caucasian, blonde hair, blue eyes.
Traits: jeebus save meh!: you get the occasional life saver, from teh OP god himselves, call me Cheesus
Bio: He was raised in a very wealthy, prominent German family in Frankfurt am Main. His family was very religious, and strict discipline and morals were instilled in him from a young age, as well as extreme patriotism. His father(along with many of his male family members) was a German officer killed in the First World War, and after WW1 the family began to crumble. Richthofen, highly religious, originally wanted to become a priest, and came very close to joining seminary. But shortly before Richthofen's 18th birthday, the Third Reich gained power in Germany and the Weimar Republic was cast aside. Deeply troubled with the state of Germany and the policies of the Nazi Party, Richthofen decided against a religious career, and chose instead a path in politics. Shortly before WWII, the family lost its wealth entirely and spiraled into squalor. Richthofen's mother died of the influenza. Richthofen, who had been earning a degree in social and economic sciences at Harvard University in the United States, quickly returned home. Shortly afterward, the Second World War started, and Richthofen joined the military as an officer.
Perk: Multilingual.
Squad: Franz-Johann Wagner[Fallschirmjager Sniper], Dietrich Beckenbauer[Fallschirmjager Infantry], Kristof-Dominik Boross[Fallschirmjager Pilot], Markus Heiskanen[Fallschirmjager Machine Gunner], Erik Straussenberg[Infantry], Josef-Heinz Metzinger[Assault], Philipp-Claus von Wittgenstein[Medic], Radovan Blutrescu[Machine Gunner], Stanmir Kazhislov[Sniper].
Others: 1 Sniper, 2 Medic, 1 Machine Gunner, 1 Assault, 1 Pilot.
Weapons: MP 34, Walther P38, 3 Model 24 Grenades, 1 Model 42 Nebeleihandgranate, 3 Panzerwurfmines, Kampfmesser 42.
Uniforms: Military Fatigues, Modified Steel Helmet, Parachute/Harness.
Misc.: Radio, Survival Kit, Binoculars, 20 ft. Parachute Cord, Book of Foreign Military Decorations/Uniforms/Geography/Etc.

Here, dug this up.

16,287 posts


anywho the tanks are already rolling into town window shutters and whatnot burst open and PIATS fire all over with small arms firing around you

26,390 posts

anywho the tanks are already rolling into town window shutters and whatnot burst open and PIATS fire all over with small arms firing around you

"Mein Gott! I never told them it was clear!" Richthofen exclaims. The MGs and snipers open fire from afar, while the assault, infantry, and pilots move to clear the buildings from within.
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