ForumsPopular MediaDeadmau5

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So I've been getting into deadmau5, and I have his album 'For a lack of a Better Name'. Post what you think about him.

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I'll talk from the DJ side of me;
I honestly don't like his music a lot, his beats are really repetitive, he doesn't experiment to much and he uses relatively bad software for such a popular producer

EDM fan side;
His music swallows you, he knows how to use the programs and he has some really good tracks

Ranting side of me;
To much people consider him a dubstep producer, HE IS NOT. The people who say he's a dubstep producer should go bury themselves in a ditch and die. You do not know the meaning of the word if you even consider Joel a Dubstep producer, same for Skrillex.

Overall: He's not a bad producer, he just needs to work more.

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