Again your looking at localized weather patterns rather then global one. I'm pretty sure I warned about doing this on profiles. I'm guessing you aren't listening. When we look at temperature changes over the years on a global level we do see a rise.
If there is global warming why is it going to snow so early?
it's almost november. other years we always already had frost for a few weeks by now. but this year the leafs are not even fallen of the tree's yet. =o
but seriusly denying global warming? thats so 1990's.
Uh, nr2001, according to you're profile you live in Pennsylvania. Snow there is not uncommon...
As for the whole weather extremes, just because it can cause it doesn't mean it will all over the place.
And, btw, if you hadn't noticed, it's quite nearly November, which means it's winter right now. Cooler temperatures in North America isn't unexpected at all.
At this rate with 5 inches of snow outside of my house... well... so much for global warming the way I see it is that the temps have gone to extreme cold/heat... it's not just a lot of heat it's a lot of extreme heat/cold.
How many times do I have to say this? GLOBAL TEMPERATURES DO NOT INDICATE GLOBAL TEMPERATURES. You can have a cooling in one part of the world but still have an overall global increase.
just look at some parts of europe for the last few weeks. highest temp. in okt. since 1920's or something and in almost november were we usely already had some frost. we still are hitting 10 to 20 degree.
when the cold is going to hit us fast in a few weeks/days more then usual plants will die because they have not protected themself yet by dropping leafs.
If something is beyond immidiate observation, it's obviously false, isn't it O.o
By that logic we would have to say cell theory is false. While there is a requirement for an objective observation it doesn't mean that observation has to be made right away for it to be valid.