The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
He did.If I am spaghetti, who are you?
Rigatoni. (Never actually had it, just sounds cool!) Whazzup?
Yes.Why sky are green?
Because it's about to fall, and in so doing prove Chicken Little to be right.What does dirt taste like?
Like dirt.What does the word what mean?
Say what now?How do did he?
What When Where Why How?To be or not to be, that is the question.
To eat pie, that is the answer.What does idk mean?
It does not mean anything, but rather a random assortment of letters. If you mean in texting and such, it means what it means.What does "it" mean?
what is this it of which you speak?what do squirrels have to do with canary teeth?
What does what mean?Why did you start a rank and armatar chain?
because of the muffins of death.what do squirrels have to do with canary teeth?
They didn't. They're twins so naturally they would like to post after each other.What is StormWalker?
a native of the planet ghastly.why is ghastly a pokemon, when ghastly the planet was obviously first?
A storm walking on people.Why does superman wear red undies on the outside?
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