The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
opprah is the bum living under the bridge on 47th you care to care?
i'd rather have hair.can you eat this octocan please?
No, I'm illegal.Why am I illegal?
bbecause of octocan.why not have some octocan?
The clan has too much of it.Why are safety labels so important?
Because...Everybody will panic if we are gonna be attacked by aliens?
No, they'll murder Kim Jong-Un and leave.Who is pang?
Dr. Pepper.What is the difference between pi and pie?
One has some extra flavor.What is octocan?!
Eight cans in a row.What causes a strike?
A misspelled bike.What happens if I get a cupcake?
An earthquake will occur.What can't go up or down?
A sponge.What will happen if I excercise?
you will be fatwhy do i exist?
I you didn't then I wouldn't have answered.What infinity times negative one plus 2?
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