The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Bowser brainwashed you into it so he could steal your brain.why did Mario have a caribou steak?
because you cancan i
because he was hungry why does it take so long to type a question
because you both were ninja'd!i answer both questions with this fabulous answer: CABBAGE
wait, that was two answers. i go with first one.why does boiled cabbage smell weird?
because it was boiled not friedwhy am i beign ninjad
the pirates are attacking.why are the pitares attacking?
because pirates are elitest jerkswhy am i doing this instead of homework?
Because procrastination is like masturbation: It's fun at the beginning, but when your done, you realize that you just F***ed yourself.Why does the universe go on forever?
Because Gawd was to lazy to build the universe a fence.Why did I say Gawd?
because of batman saying it in a single comic book you read as a kid.Why do I like the smell of rotten eggs?
Because rotten is rockin.Why did I say that?
Because you wanted to and did.Why am I sitting down?
because you're not standing upwhat is my last name
what is my last name
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