The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
IT'S MAGIC!!! Problem?
Darn it! Forgot question!How do lightsabers work?
By lighting a saber on fire.How do you capture a wild Darkfire45?
By using six toms along with a 9.Am I better off valid or invalid?
You're better off unvaild666.What is the opposite of tom0000009?
Jerry0000000006 (nine zeros and one 6) How do you capture a wild tom0000009?
A Pokeball covered in mayonnaise. Do you have any peanut butter?
No. I have jam.Why is acmed a pink little uneecorn?
Cuz it is deal wit it... and it's just coolWhy do people say LOL every time they think LOL, i mean i don't say LOL everytime I think LOL do I?? LOL!! (really cool if said fast but trie to answer it!)
That's confusing to invalid.What is Possum talking about?
Bannanas Why is everyone in the area I live in is a white and middle class?
Because they eat tapioca pudding.Why is Skrillex so darn amazing/awesome?
cuz this is skrillex we're talking about...duhwtf is in poland?
A lot of poles.What caused World War II?
They all wanted a turn with your mom but the Germans got greedy.LOLWhy do i sniff my armpits?
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