The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
the after life of earth.What is mustard+ketchup=?
A condiments-porno.Why do men have nipples?
cause men are cows without milk why does ketchup red
Because they blue monkeys.Why this thread make no sense?
because it no have good grammerwhy this thread have no good grammer?
Because this thread make no sense.Why we no world peace?
World is in (1) piece sillyWhy don't I have black hair?
Because you have white hair.What does black and white make?
grey is colour and i like your question/ansewRwhy does when you mix monkey and elphant you get the banananananananananannaanaananananananananananananananana
Cus Chuck Norris said so.Why is the only time i ever have to fart is in public.
Because I hate you (Just kidding about me hating you.Why do I have no friends?
You do have friends. Dummeh!Who wrote Holden Caulfield?
Scolden Caulfield.What am I speaking about?
Scolden caulfieldwho Scolden Caulfield
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