ForumsGame WalkthroughsThe Last Stand-Unon City

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After making your character and spawning in the world, you're going to want to search the Toyota's trunk to get this:
Tauron M9
Tauron M9 Ammo
Tire Iron
You're going to want to equip both, and load the Tauron, while you aren't be attacked. Hit Q to switch back to the Tire Iron. Kill the zombies that you see. Go into the next suburbia and kill all of the zombies in every house. You will level up, and find some very useful items. These include:
Baseball Bat
Be sure to check every visible container as you get achievements. Achievements=EXP. Go outside again and do the quest that gets you the Bolt Cutters. Give them to the quest guy and go to the safe house. Sleep for 10 hours to get max health. This will also make it change to day again. Then go to the next "world". You will then proceed to find any weapons, food, ammo or just random junk. Talk the the fix 'em up guy to make great weapons. These include:
Nailed Board
Silenced (I can't remember the pistol's name)
Other assorted life-saving weapons o' death.
Enjoy, Good Luck and have a good day.
I'll update occasionally with new tips and tricks.

  • 2 Replies
27 posts

Thanks, mate. Keep up the good work!

189 posts

We should use combat weapon more regularly (they're very good against close zombies in the first time). So trying to earn as many archievement as possible to 50 % and earning Battle AXE is one of cool way ! Just Shove and Strike, Shove and Strike....
Anyway, I usually use M4A1 and equip Hank with Barrett M82A1 (When I got 74 % Archievement) because he seems to be good at snipers...

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