im very sorry soldier7, i didnt say shia r bad. i jst said they dont represent islam. i have some shia friends too. and i never herd of anyone beating women, ok?
Religions have been wrong so many times. And another thing. If there is one right religion why are there so many other religions. Just in case that confused you I don't believe in religions.
In the Bible: The Earth is in the center of the solar system and universe. God created the Earth in 6 days. Two humans created the entire human race. (inbreeding would have caused major defects.) Sex before marriage is wrong. (Marriage is a ritual that was created by humans.) The Earth is less than 10000 years old. (Explain the dinosaurs.)
These are just basic things. There are probably thousands of things the bible got wrong.
There are also many contradictions here is a link to a website I found with the contradictions.
I personally think it kind of is. Before the scientific revolution the human species always had an answer for everything, even for things they don't understand. Anything that they didn't have the means or knowledge to test was said to be the work of some kind of higher figure. To me God is just an excuse to explain the unknown.
Now that we have the scientific method we can literally test to see if anything is possible. The evidence and superstition to support the existence of a higher being just isn't there, bits and pieces don't count.
huh? who ever said that was part of islam? dood if ur not sure about something jst dont type it
I believe he's talking about Sharia Law.
Anyways, if you think of what modern science has taught us, there just isn't room for a god at all. To me personally, religion has been one of the most oppressing things in human history. Think of after the Renaissance. There were numerous wars and millions of lives lost simply because one king or ruler wanted their state to be Catholic or Protestant, resulting in the genocide of one or the other. Not only that but the Inquisition and the Crusades even fit that model as well.
Obviously not, if people still find ways to apply it to their lives and it's still relevant. In modern times, I think religion is less about explaining the world and society, and more about helping people through their lives and other aspects in that area of religion.
Religion isn't really relevant to my life and beliefs, but that doesn't mean it's outdated and irrelevant to the lives of others.
im sorry if this surprises you, but i dont find anything wrong with my religion.
although ive read that the bible has bean written like a million times, people keep adding things that were not originally in it. so i bet theres a million lies in there. and the same thing goes to the Jews.
Where did it say that? Wasn't that just a false-assumption by the churches and not actually in the bible?
They got the idea from Aristotle's Geocentric philosophies.
In modern times, I think religion is less about explaining the world and society, and more about helping people through their lives and other aspects in that area of religion.
although ive read that the bible has bean written like a million times, people keep adding things that were not originally in it. so i bet theres a million lies in there. and the same thing goes to the Jews.
Well the dictionary goes through multiple editions so I guess there are a million lies in it too. Do not generalize on religions.
god should write a new story book. (BIBLE 2000: the update) and hopefully he will be more clear this time. and explain more in detail what he has done to create us and the univers.
god should write a new story book. (BIBLE 2000: the update) and hopefully he will be more clear this time. and explain more in detail what he has done to create us and the univers.
You meanThis Book right? He is the god of science :P
stephen hawkin is just a dreamer in my eye's sure he knows alot about the univers. but he is also talking alot about things he inmagions that will happen some day. or that has no actual proof. like real animal life on 1 of the planets 5 lightyears or away. and actualy discribing these animals wich is impossible.