My Raze 2 doesn't load my account. Either it rejects my AG account if I log in or it accepts my account BUT it hangs.
If I can't log in, can I just have my Raze 2 database wiped clean so I can just play it over again form the start? I have been trying to play it again since it started hanging over a week ago.
1) Are you sure you have the correct username and password entered? If you forgot it, contact an administrator. 2) If Raze 2 does accept your account but the loading data thing just stays there, then just wait for it (?). That's what I did one time, and it eventually loaded.
hi, this is slightly of topic but can you wipe clean the memory on Raze2 on the online account? i have nearly completed the game but i am getting bored and want to start again (Properly- original weapons, original equipment etc). Please reply
can you wipe clean the memory on Raze2 on the online account?
I don't think you can wipe an online account.
You could though just not log in to the game. Then the data would be stored on your computer. If you wanted to start over then you could just clear your cookies and the data would be wiped from your computer.
hi, this is slightly of topic but can you wipe clean the memory on Raze2 on the online account? i have nearly completed the game but i am getting bored and want to start again (Properly- original weapons, original equipment etc).
Actually I think you can by clearing the Adobe Flash Player storage thingy; or something like that.
ok this is wierd. Well, at least i got to log in. but I was supposed to be half way the Alien Campaign. I went back to the 3rd to the last mission in Human Campaign. anyways, at least I didn't have to go back to the start. RAZE 2 IS STILL THE BEST!
If you dont have AG account in the AG website the game you play will be gone makeIf you have AG account in the AG website you can save the game sure you put your password or username correct!
I was almost finishing raze 2, I was on the last level. When I logged in, I lost my info! Also, today I entered the game logged off, and I saw lots of lines and squares saying: Jump, double jump, ko, h, double damage, etc... wtf?