Im sure we all heard of it, Herman Cain's 9 9 9 economic plan. The most appealing part of this to me is the 9% flat business tax. We (america) are the idiots who have a crushing 39% tax under the Obama regime. With a 39% business tax, is it a question why american businesses are going overseas? They have 2 choices: 1. Stay and go out of business or 2. Leave and stay in business
With the 9% tax, not only will our businesses come home, but other foreign based businesses will come to america. I think this plan will thrust our country out of the recession. It will be far more effective (in a good way) than anything Obama has done so far for the economy.
Well, I don't really know much about economics, but the way you made you point sounds good to me. But I think we'll need to do a lot more. I don't think that just lowering business tax will get us out of a recession. I think we'll have to do more, and that it'll take a while to work at first. So we'll need to cut some things, and use strategys to make money in other ways. Preferably before so that we're on safe ground before we do this.
Of course. Government spending has to be cut dramatically. But since the 9 9 9 plan will create jobs, less money will need to be spend on food stamps and welfare.
Aww, I thought this thread was about the British emergency services, anyways - hasn't he swapped his plan around a little since it was first announced?
Also business leave because of more than just taxes. They also leave because we have a minimum wage that companies think is too high, yet is barely enough to live on.
Im sure we all heard of it, Herman Cain's 9 9 9 economic plan. The most appealing part of this to me is the 9% flat business tax. We (america) are the idiots who have a crushing 39% tax under the Obama regime.
remember that those 30% now needs to be payed by the people. if you just cut taxes you ruin yourself whit going bankrupt
remember that those 30% now needs to be payed by the people. if you just cut taxes you ruin yourself whit going bankrupt
However, if you notice, the 9-9-9 plan also cuts a persons income tax to 9%, leaving you with more money. I do like the 9-9-9 plan as well. Lower business tax means more jobs, while lower income tax means you can keep your money. One thing I'm not so sure about with this is what comes after the imposition of these taxes. The plan calls for a removal of the 16th amendment. I know no one likes taxes, but the government does need to collect some income tax. It also calls for a complete change to the IRS, which I'm not sure will be for the better or worse (I'm getting this from MDV's link).
Herman Cain's plan has absolutely no sense in fiscal responsibility. The plan would reduce the income the government takes in, and would increase the amount payed by some citizens. While the plan would make corporate businesses pay less, some already have negative income taxes, because of the sheer number of loopholes in the system. I am in favor of closing those loopholes, and throwing the 9 9 9 plan out the window. If you support this plan, then have fun being owned by China, as our debt would increase dramatically.
have fun being owned by China, as our debt would increase dramatically.
the usa has only 2 trillion of the max 17 trillion debt left. untill countrys will stop giving usa money untill they pay. the usa will no longer be seen as that country we can trust on. just like the banks don't trust you as much anymore when your own debt went up to high.
If you support this plan, then have fun being owned by China, as our debt would increase dramatically.
Actually, the entire point of this plan revolves on the slash of Government spend, especially money we don't have. Also, im not sure of the exact figure but Obama did increase the debt of our country to well over 100% from its figure in 2008.
Think about it... It took America from 1776-2008 to do what Obama has done from 2008-2011 and not in a good way.
Also, im not sure of the exact figure but Obama did increase the debt of our country to well over 100% from its figure in 2008.
A president is only as good as the Congress. If you need a scapegoat, blame the Republicans for blocking every sensible bill that is introduced, merely because it makes the rich pay more.
I think about Herman Cain. His views are all mixed up. He says he is pro-choice, then he says he is pro-life. when I ask about him people say,' He is either an idiot or trying to get people confused." By the way it is not the fact that taxes are putting us out of bussines it is the fact that the government doesn't know how to spend it correctly. lowering the taxes may help, but, it won't give a big impact on the bad economy.
A president is only as good as the Congress. If you need a scapegoat, blame the Republicans for blocking every sensible bill that is introduced, merely because it makes the rich pay more.
You do know that most of the bussines owners are rich right? And that they pay the employees right? If the rich keep getting taxed they may have to fire some of their employees and so more people end up having no job.
You do know that most of the bussines owners are rich right? And that they pay the employees right? If the rich keep getting taxed they may have to fire some of their employees and so more people end up having no job.
I'm pretty sure that someone who makes millions, and sometimes billions will be financially secure. There are people who live off much smaller amounts of money, and they can too.