ForumsWEPRMississippi Initiative 26: Good or Bad or Awful?

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1,627 posts

This sort of ties in with the whole abortion debate, but honestly, I think these nutcases merit their own thread. Basically, this Colorado-based organization is pushing an agenda where any fertilized egg is considered to be a person. I think that this is just bonkers because depending on the way this law is interpreted (if it unlikely stands challenge in the courts), the prosecutors could be investigating every miscarriage and it would also harm in-virtro fertilization and the Morning After pill which is a contraceptive used to rid the uterus of any fertilized eggs that could have been created as a result of sexual intercourse.

What are your opinions on this? Do you think this law will pass? If so, do you support it? And do you think it will stand challenges in the courts?

  • 14 Replies
1,810 posts

If this law passes, then the lawmakers there are miracle-workers. If they can make people consider a law this ridicuous, they would do great in Washington. Abortion is one thing, but saying that BC pills for after intercourse could possibly be investigated is ridiculous.

534 posts

If this law passes, then the lawmakers there are miracle-workers. If they can make people consider a law this ridicuous, they would do great in Washington. Abortion is one thing, but saying that BC pills for after intercourse could possibly be investigated is ridiculous.

Tell that to all the churchs. Then to the millions of people who are currently for the bill. Face it, most of the community is for this bill.
1,627 posts

Face it, most of the community is for this bill.

Most of the community is also uneducated about this bill, and are only for it because it limits abortions. They have no idea how intrusive this bill could be if made into law. Like I said, do you want every county prosecutor investigating miscarriages?
1,322 posts

Human life cycle starts at conception. Argument against that is egg and sperm individually are the start of the cycle. If that is so, then they should be able to proceed to fetus, newborn, child, teen, tween, and so forth on their own... that's not the case. The religious crazies aren't the only people that feel that to abort is to kill a human. Mage has said that there are even pro-life atheists that feel that abortion is murder. We've had this discussion before, but just not in this context.

Some people think you have to have sentient thought and electric current running through your brain to be considered human, while others think that having the zygote stem cells present that will eventually turn into the brain and play home to the sentient thought is enough. That is where we differ.

Tell that to all the churchs. Then to the millions of people who are currently for the bill. Face it, most of the community is for this bill.

idk... most of the people I hear talking about it are adamantly against it. ...and these are turbo crazy Southern Baptists we're talking about.
1,322 posts

forgive the possible double

Most of the community is also uneducated about this bill, and are only for it because it limits abortions. They have no idea how intrusive this bill could be if made into law. Like I said, do you want every county prosecutor investigating miscarriages?

Are you from Mississippi? The ramifications are being discussed COOOONSTANTLY by tons of people. I can't read my fb news feed w/o seeing a stupid war going on. I think we're educated enough on the situation. If opinions don't change, then they don't change.
1,627 posts

Human life cycle starts at conception

If that is so, than could a fertilized egg be self-sufficient enough to breath, think, see, etc.?

And also the point that I made about IVF. Many eggs are fertilized, and then the unused ones are destroyed. That would basically make IVF a crime if the unused eggs are destroyed. Also, if a pregnant woman committed a crime, would the egg be charged as an accomplice? Would an egg be allowed to sue the mother for making it do something that it didn't want to do?

I rest my case.
3,371 posts

I don't like how they're trying to make it illegal to kill something that was almost living on human scale. If it doen't have a brain wave, it can't feel. It can't think, understand or observe the world around it. It is really just a living blob of tissue. Killing potential human life shouldn't be a crime. We kill cells that can potentially make life all the time, why is this a problem?

5,552 posts

Cancercide! Stop killing them cancer, it's EVILS!

Dair pretty much sums up my feelings on it. Whilst it technically is "alive" it cannot live on it's own, nor can it feel or think, it is akin the a tumor.

1,322 posts

If that is so, than could a fertilized egg be self-sufficient enough to breath, think, see, etc.?

Those aren't indicative of life. Someone recently put into a coma, showing no signs of brain activity, and you're on a respirator. You might regain those functions eventually, but as of now you're a blob of cells. Do we wait till we're sure if you're going to pull through or do we just pull the plug on you here and now?

And also the point that I made about IVF. Many eggs are fertilized, and then the unused ones are destroyed. That would basically make IVF a crime if the unused eggs are destroyed. Also, if a pregnant woman committed a crime, would the egg be charged as an accomplice? Would an egg be allowed to sue the mother for making it do something that it didn't want to do?

I would think that accomplices are tried b/c they are there with the person of their own accord, unless they're a hostage. That, or they're tried for knowing about it and not telling the authorities. The fetus doesn't know any better, let alone know that it is going on at all. If the mother murders someone, then they can't be accessory to murder for not telling b/c they don't know it happened or what murder actually is. The fetus isn't actually doing anything other than sitting there attached to the uterine wall. Me holding a gun to your head and making you do something you don't want to do is different from a fetus just being in the womb at the time of a crime. It wasn't made to do anything. It was just present.

I don't agree with your case... whether it is resting or not.

I would be ok with abortions as long as the woman (and/or man...or whoever besides insurance when it isn't actually going to hurt her to have the kid) pays the bill and the fetus goes to research....but the woman would have to pay and not be paid. If she's just removing a parasite or a tumor, then there's no big deal there.

We kill cells that can potentially make life all the time, why is this a problem?

sperm and eggs aren't tissue cells... they're not in a wall of stuff... and neither are blood cells. Until they've coupled and created a new unique genome that then starts production of the new human they are cells that belong to the mother or father. Menstruation and masturbation are, by that frame of mind, not murder. Since people have differing opinions, that might just be why we're voting. With places like amazon, ebay, and the internets, I hardly think that not selling some of that stuff on walmart shelves is going to stop anything. It's even more convenient since they'd deliver it to your house. If they'd allow for the unused IVF people to be used in research, then I'd be all for it. IVF can help families weed out genetic diseases so that their future progeny don't have to deal with those crippling illnesses (atleast not from their side of the family). If you stick 10 eggs in the woman's womb there's a safe bet that several-a lot of them aren't going to take. The whole full rights to everyone of them throws that out the window.

The amendment is too vague. I'm just not going to vote.
4,220 posts

Take it out of a hospital and into an alley. Good job, they're trying to kill millions.

1,322 posts

We have woods. The buildings in our cities are for the most part still really spaced out. We don't really have many dark small allies... we have isolated woodland areas and sheds, tho. Semantics, but I figured you should know.

3,371 posts

Would it be illegal then? If you did it yourself, how many years could you get? And what if you were really young? Would you still get jail time.

1,322 posts

The act of removing it from the uterus or wherever it attached is not the issue people have a problem with. It is the death of the blob of cells, that they have a problem with. It just so happens that at the current time, aborting the pregnancy means termination of what they see as a living organism. All of that falls into the "vague" category. I'd think that if you were older and "did it to yourself" then it wouldn't make any difference. Idk about a minor or a reeeeeaaaaaallllyyyy young person.... but I know someone else would be tried for statutory ****. (If they weren't 5 years old themselves...)


1,322 posts

Here is someone analyzing it all. I don't know if what he's saying is 100% truth, but it's a better explanation of things then I could ever come up with. It's rather lengthy, tho. Have fun.

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