If I go a link that has a action game or community link it works and gets me there but if i hit the home page link it goes blank I have the lastest flash and no lag on pc also have lastest java. any Ideas?
If you have a fast computer, internet, and browser, then everything should be fine. Make sure you select the 'Show images box in the 'options' section of your browser. Or, make sure the 'arental controls' is disabled.
Someone in a different thread pointed out the problem. Apparently the code is screwed up with some "defer" tags that mean if you use IE then the main page won't load properly. From the number of theads and the number of posts in those threads it's clear that this is affecting a lot of people.
It's been going on for several days now. Isn't it high time that the programmers actually FIXED this problem? Especially since someone was so kind as to debug it for them?