There used to be something called a "artial birth abortion." The somewhat developed organism would be forced into labor, the head would crest the vagina, a vacuum was then put up to the skull, the brains were then sucked out of the skull, and the left overs were then disposed of in whatever way they dispose of dead tissue blobs.
Sometimes they put some concentrated saline (salt) in the womb w/ the thing. That creates an osmotic gradient with the liquids inside the thing's being and the liquids go from high concentration to low concentration. That means that the fetus shrivels and dies from there being less liquid than it needs. If you put a hypotonic solution in the womb (the opposite), the water forces its way into the cells and lyses them...meaning that they explode. That's why the concentration of the IV's are so important.
Idk if all of those are still used, but I know that at least two of them were. (not sure about both types of saline concentrations)