ForumsWEPR[req]Alert: EBS Test for 9 Nov. 2011

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1,531 posts

The U.S. government has scheduled an all-frequencies test of the Emergency Broadcast System for Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 1400 hours, or 2:00 p.m. This test will interrupt ALL electronic communications systems in the continental U.S. for approximately 3-4 minutes. The test message will affect radio, television, and internet systems, and could possibly affect cell phone, e-mail, and land line telephone systems.

This test has not been highly publicized, with only a handful of notifying commercials being broadcast in recent weeks. This lack of publicity, combined with the fact that 1., this is set for the day after several important elections, 2., there simply isn't 4 minutes of material to be explained in an EBS test, 3., it will interrupt communications on an unprecedented scale, and 4., the fact that it has been rumored that the message will come directly from the president, has led to the formation of several theories regarding an alternate purpose to the test. These theories include but are not limited to 1., the declaration of martial law and subsequent indefinite nullification of the Constitution, 2., the initial field test of a system whereby the government can disrupt any unfavorable transmissions in accordance with the currently NOT passed "Fairness Doctrine" free-speech limitation legislation, and 3., the release of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or similar energy burst designed to shut down communications and electronic systems, thereby creating a national state of emergency that could be used by the government to consolidate massive and unconstitutional powers. Even if this is simply a test, it is also possible that the broadcast of a test signal that covers all carrier waves may overload the affected systems and cause unexpected collateral damage.

While none of these theories as yet holds any more or any less credence than the stated purpose of this test, it would be prudent to take certain precautions. Make sure that you have several days of food in-house, preferably of a type that can be prepared without a stove or microwave. Be sure you have plenty of batteries and other necessary consumables. If you own a vehicle(s), make sure that you have plenty of fuel or charge in it/them. Starting a reasonable amount of time before the test, during the test, and for a short time after the test, log out of and turn off all electronic communications devices, including cell phones, computers, iPad/smartpads, personal data devices, and radios. Leave one battery-powered radio on to hear the test and any information related to it.

I will personally be taking these steps to prepare in case there is any negative event or effect connected to the impending test. I will therefore be going off-line from my account for an indefinite period starting sometime in the morning of the 9th. I strongly recommend that any users in the continental U.S. who read this do likewise.
Hopefully, nothing will occur and I will be able to re-enter this site later on the 9th, but that is uncertain. See you then (I hope).

  • 8 Replies
7 posts

Theory #3....

EMP's do exist and I have seen them being used on small devices such as cars and a general 1 block radius.. But to speak of a nation wide EMP burst is down right ridiculous. The electronic shock wave at the epicenter would cause at least 5 blocks of damage. For an EMP to have that strong of an electronic discharge it would cause a violent shockwave. I highly doubt this.

1,531 posts

I highly doubt this.

This whole thing is still an unknown variable.

But to speak of a nation wide EMP burst is down right ridiculous.

No, not really. A massive and extremely powerful surge of electrical current could fry everything it comes into contact with, and if it was boosted at every transmission point it reached, it could go nation-wide.

Also, as to EMPs in general, it is quite easy to generate not only country-wide but continent-wide EMPs: just detonate a nuclear warhead at roughly 300 miles of altitude, and you shut down every electrical and electronic device in North America.
2,487 posts

you know, this really sounds like another one of those really dumb goverment conspiracy theories, like the ones involving kennedy and 9/11. are there aliens involved as well, or will the 4th dimension open up and destroy us all?

seriously, man, just live your life. it's probably just a test, and nothing else.

5,552 posts

This test has not been highly publicized

Perhaps because it's just yet another emergency broadcast test, you know, the one they have every month or so?

This test will interrupt ALL electronic communications systems in the continental U.S. for approximately 3-4 minutes.

This I have not heard, where did you get this from?
1,714 posts

The test did happen, but unfortunately for the conspiracy theories it was just that, a test.

1,531 posts

This test will interrupt ALL electronic communications systems in the continental U.S. for approximately 3-4 minutes.

This I have not heard, where did you get this from?

One of the few official commercials notifying people of the test.

Well. This was unexpected.
Apparently the test was a failure. I had a radio on beginning at 1330 hrs. (1:30 p.m.) and lasting until 1500 hrs. (3:00 p.m.) and heard nothing besides standard programming. Around 1430 hrs., I checked the local and national news networks and found no reports regarding the test, and several other forum sites had entries to the effect that while some areas heard the test, many did not.

As far as the conspiracy theories go, they are just that: theories. They have some evidence for and against, but nothing that gives a definite conclusion. Honestly, I'm glad that nothing came of them, but it is important to keep one's eyes and ears open to the possibility of underhanded actions simply as a precaution.

you know, this really sounds like another one of those really dumb government conspiracy theories, like the ones involving kennedy and 9/11. are there aliens involved as well, or will the 4th dimension open up and destroy us all?

See the above paragraph. Also, two things: One, we live in the fourth dimension anyway. It's called "Time." And two, just as an FYI, a large asteroid designated 2005 YU55 passed the Earth at .85 Lunar distances, or 85% of the distance between the Earth and the Moon. That's close, and if it had been much closer there would have been a real emergency to broadcast.

seriously, man, just live your life. it's probably just a test, and nothing else.

I do "just live my life," but I also do my best to remain vigilant. I am glad it was just a test, but I have to look at all possibilities.

This test has not been highly publicized

Perhaps because it's just yet another emergency broadcast test, you know, the one they have every month or so?

Where I live, it's weekly. And as far as publicity goes, local tests are nothing worth mentioning, but one would think that the first national test of its kind with its unprecedented size and scope would garner a lot of attention, which made it unusual that it didn't.
158 posts

Just happened a few hours ago for me... although it was not the president speaking... and there was nothing important being said.

1,531 posts

^ A lot has deviated from the announced plan. Originally, it was to be 4 minutes of the president speaking, then it was changed to just a FEMA test message. After that, there were unconfirmed reports that the length of the message was reduced to 30 seconds, and then at broadcast time it seems to have become a plop and a fizzle.

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