First of all, i would like to start with some weapons that are really useful and why they are.
Name: The holy grail Function: This gun has only one bullet a clip, but one of its shots is deadly for allmost all non shielded enemys.
Name: The acid hound Function: A weird but powerful rocket launcher. Use it wisely to prevent from killing yourself.
Now i would like to say some tips
Tip 1: If you are low on hp, do NOT try to hide etc. Try to find an health package.
Tip 2: Adrenaline boost is not needed at all! If you get hit by a rocket launcher and you get hit again, whats the function then? You will just die!
Tip 3: If you do a capture the flag mission, make sure there is at least one person that is defending the flag. It will prevent the enemys from getting your flags while you are trying to steal their flags.
I think the katana is the best ability. The weapons you should have for your arsenal is =
starter= ripper sidearms= uzi automatics= assault rifle long range= railgun explosive= rocket lancher (you can make an instant kill usually with non shielded enemies.)
Katana is a decent ability but it takes some getting used to. Static sheild is usually better. Also, the magnum is a lot stronger than the normal uzi, especially on headshots. For longrange, Holy Grail, .50 cal sniper, and Pulsator are my favorites.
It is safer to attack when someone is reloading. I find it funny when me and the enemy reload at the same time, of course I switch weapons and kill him.
grenade is :going head on with no good weopon or has to reload katana is running by someone while having no good gun or explosive(hard to get used to land mine is defensive don't go head on people static feild good when opp is attacking with explosive or good gun
hard to get used to land mine is defensive don't go head on people
It's only defensive when you're placing the mine in front of your flag on 'Capture the flag' mode. But in a deathmatch or elimination, it is most likely offensive.