ForumsThe TavernCoaches And Their Behavior.

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So at my school all players of any sport have to sign a contract saying that they will abide by the rules and over all just act in a sports man/woman like manner. Well, I am fine with signing this contract, but what I don't understand is that while we have to promise to act respectably, the coaches yell, often times vulgar language and curses, at us almost everyday. This includes both practices and games. Which leads me to my point, do you think coaches should also have to sign a contract to act properly around the students? Why or why not?

  • 5 Replies
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

the coaches yell, often times vulgar language and curses, at us almost everyday.

Unless they get violent and abusive, I think it's fine. It builds in fortitude and mental endurance that helps in your game. Secondly, you can't have a wimpy coach; you need coaches like those you mention to grill you and command respect.

I've experienced it before when I did waterpolo for four years. We respected him and knew he meant well for us, so it wasn't a big deal. Off the pitch and off season he treated us much better, so we just sucked it up and tolerated.
151 posts

I wouldn't say it's really a big deal. You have to be mentally tough to play sports whether it be a more demanding sport like football, rugby, or wrestling or less physically demanding sports like golf, you need to have the right mindset to play the game. I think coaches using language like that builds those things in an athlete.

3,371 posts

I think you're much better off with those coaches. Could you imagine if your coaches were more like this.

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you, but could you please kick it a little higher? So far you're doing great okay. You're a big boy, so I'm going to need you to please kick it higher. And also please come to practice next week. Because last week you didn't come and I was a little sad. So please come next week, okay?"

Your team would do terribly.

5,552 posts

what I don't understand is that while we have to promise to act respectably, the coaches yell, often times vulgar language and curses, at us almost everyday. This includes both practices and games. Which leads me to my point, do you think coaches should also have to sign a contract to act properly around the students? Why or why not?

In my experience, every gym/sports coach I've ever had that was in a public education setting was a hypocrite aside from my 7th grade coach. They all do everything they say not to, are overweight and belittled kids into trying harder or to just avoid the teacher all together. They all fit (except for the exception of course) the steriotypical coach that likes the jocks and bullys.

My 7th grade coach however was actually good, when we ran the mile he ran along side us and stuck to the back and tried to help keep the people who were having trouble going by talking to and encouraging them. He advised us without also insulting us and never cursed or anything. Only good public education gym teacher/coach I've ever had anyways.
676 posts

Dair has a point. If they are like "Faster, you're never gonna win if you're as slow as that" is different than "You idiots disgust me more than one of Lady Gaga's music videos".

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