ForumsPopular Medialike dump music here,how about there?

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10 posts

well hello people of armorgames,i came to discuss of something thats bugging me,ive heard all around the net that for you justin bieber,lady gaga,the POP in general are like water and oil with the headbangers,still,the teenagers love that music(the pop),dont misunderstand me,metal is the greatest music from here to eternity,let me tell ya that in argentina,the eighth largest country,we are similar,there some sort of"music"here called reggaeton and cumbia,if you look for them in wikipedia they are very popular in latin america...they sound like s**t,EVERY FREAKING PERSON likes it,i know like 5,6 metalheads all around,and thats it.So...
How about there?you have an enemy music that makes young people(13,14,15)listen garbage music from a young age?how many metalheads you have helping you,share!

  • 3 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I'm sorry but I simply can't comprehend what you're typing.

143 posts

In my humble opinion, it's pretty narrow minded to listen to just one genre. And yoy shouldn't get mad at other people who like different kinds of music. Everybody has a different taste in music and telling people that the music they like is garbage definitely won't make them like metal more. There is no such band that every single person would like.

Oh, and I like metal too and I know plenty of metalheads.

5,129 posts

still,the teenagers love that music(the pop)

this is where you go wrong.
there is no suchs thing as "the teenagers" some like pop and hate metal because they see it as noise and no music at all.
and some others like the fastness and melodemic parts of metal and can actualy appreciate metal. and they think that those bieber and baby gaga fans only like those people because they are hyped by the media and not for their music.

i personaly like evry kind of music except country.
i used to hang around whit a group over 100 metalheads (we all 100 were good friends not just people we knowed) but even in that group people did like other kinds of music aswell. like punk,rock,DnB,pshycodelic. and over the years our entire group turned from metalheads to people that like all music genres.

if you listen other types of music long enoufg then you are able to hear the nice things in those genres. and then you end up liking about all music
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