So, I come here with a question of some personal importance. If someone is of above average intelligence does that make those who are of average intelligence stupid? Or does it simply depend upon perspective?
Consider this something along the lines of a philisophical problem in terms of conciousness.
know why it's called it, it just doesn't have any more valid a point to it than calling it East. If you go from anywhere on the earth, you can get to the other side by going either east or west, so it's stupid to refer to it as a direction.
it's how it's generaly called. i don't need a other reason to call it that way.
1 time i get 96 then the other time 120. and after a bit of training on how the questions are ask/done i could even get a 138.
An IQ test is more accurate the first time you take it and the younger you are. The more you take it, of course you'll get more.
It's not BS, although it may not be entirely accurate. It's a reasonable predictor. People who score well below either are mentally challenged or have no exposure to anything really (Such as a question like, it shows you a picture and then it goes away, and asks you all the animals that you remember seeing, if you don't know the names of animals, it's going to drop your score) and people who score higher are very often smart or have trained themselves/been trained to do well on the test.
By the way, how old were you when you first took it?
An IQ test is more accurate the first time you take it and the younger you are. The more you take it, of course you'll get more.
time difference between test 1 and 2 was about 15 year.
it shows you a picture and then it goes away, and asks you all the animals that you remember seeing, if you don't know the names of animals, it's going to drop your score)
wait a sec... ah, yea, now i c. it's still about education.
By the way, how old were you when you first took it?
1st simply IQ test probably in some lower school. ive done 3 profecional test. 1st when i was around 20, score 96. 2nd when i was 36, score 120. and again 36 after training myself in the type of questions. wich resulted in 138.
if a IQ test is so variable then it's not a reliable result to build numbers whit.
Only, in this case, to the extent of knowing the language. It's hard to give/take a test if the person is speaking gibberish to you and you have no idea what to do.
1st when i was around 20,
IQ tests aren't very accurate past age like 6-7. Most of the time they are given in first/second grade. At least, that's what they did at my elementary school.
if a IQ test is so variable then it's not a reliable result to build numbers whit.
It was so variable for you because you were much older than when it's accurate and trained yourself to do better at it.
Only, in this case, to the extent of knowing the language.
not only in extent to knowing the language. if some1 has never seen a bunny because they live in the city. then he can't know the wierd animal showing on the pics.
also how is a 6-7 year old knowing evrything in the IQ test. they barly can speak right. and read books like "the egg in the green hat" and if we don't count education then those kids can't read or write. how are they going to make the test in the 1st place? the only thing those kids know is how to find food in a dumb.
the tests ive made were ment for adults. if some kid tryed it then he couldn't know even the 1st question. ending up whit a score of 0.
and that i have trained for it doesn't say anything either. loads of schools where they hold IQ tests. they are training those kids aswell befor the actual test.
IQ = BS and you can't use it as a world average. especialy because educated people do beter in it then uneducated people. wich brings me back to that other posts of mine.
also how is a 6-7 year old knowing evrything in the IQ test. they barly can speak right. and read books like "the egg in the green hat" and if we don't count education then those kids can't read or write. how are they going to make the test in the 1st place? the only thing those kids know is how to find food in a dumb.
The test accounts for age.
the tests ive made were ment for adults.
They still aren't as accurate as the tests for children.
No, it's not. It's a reasonable predictor that is pretty much universally accepted as highly correlating with job and academic performance. Just because you don't think so doesn't make the test any less valid.
and you can't use it as a world average. especialy because educated people do beter in it then uneducated people. wich brings me back to that other posts of mine.
The test no, because it is flawed in some ways.
However, there IS an average world intelligence, that's a given. And this average is arbitraily set at 100. ANY country or region, the AVERAGE IQ WILL be 100, because that is how the test is designed. Education does not factor into this.
you can't deny to fact that educated people will do this test beter then uneducated people.
No, they won't. All that's required is to know the VERY basics of math, and the language. Some cultural stuff is included as well, but it's minimal.
For example, a card is shown to you that has the numbers 6528 on it. They then put the card down and tell you to tell them the numbers backwards. That has nothing to do with education, aside from knowing the names of the numbers.
meaning people in africa have lower IQ then the western world.
They do not, the test just doesn't measure it as well because a minimal amount of education is required to simply understand. If there was a way to just say, scan someone's brain for what the test is testing for, then education would have no bearing on it at all.
and loads of them have not got this minimal education. in fact don't have education at all. and being able to count. wich you learn when you start learning to read.
The point is, if everyone got the same minimal education before taking an IQ test, the average would be the same country to country to country and that IQ tests are a reasonable predictor even if they are not 100% accurate.
if africa was educated beter so they could get better scores then the world average isn't 100 anymore. american average IQ for example is 98 and chinese average IQ is 106. according to the IQ test this should have been 100.
this number 100 is just a number it holds nothing to build other numbers whit.
I'm definitely not the most intelligent person out there, but I do go to the best (highest graduation rates/ SAT scores) school in my region. You have to take a test to get in, and you are only elligible if you have 82s or higher in every class. This year they only let in 100 freshman. All the schools in the nearby vicinity are considered "slacker schools', and I have to say that when speaking to students who go/ went to these schools, I have occasionally thought, "Wow, they're kinda stupid." Maybe it does depend on perspective. I bet they don't consider themselves as stupid.