This is simple. You just try to type your username with a different body part than your hands, like nose, chin, elbow, etc. NO INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT! AND NO SPAM! Then, you list the body part you will type your username with. Then type your username with that body part. And you can say Put-ups (positive comments) but no Put-downs (negative comments.)
A notebook I found lying around: rqtuywertyuioertwyBCVXZcvx Maybe I should have used the corner. I will use the corner this time: epicness01 That worked a lot better.
I will type this --- Pie is the best when it is chocolate. (or pudding pie) OR BOTH! --- with a tiny stuffed penguins nose! (I'm goin fast so it's not 2 easy)
Pie is best w3hen it'sw chyocolate. (or puddig pie) OR BOTH!