Nice halo rifle I like pic but I have no pic I shall tell you. A kris which is a new gun which should come out in years or so. Its a sub machine gun with no recoil and has lots of bullets in it's magazine. Has the same rounds a tommy gun had which I think are 35 not sure.
the Barret M468 this is how awsome it is Imagine all the good things agout the AK47 then all the good things about the M4 then combine them and you get the Barret M468
hmm favorite weapon well heres a new one how about an rpg it makes people magically fly up into the air, while on fire might I add, and it also helps incase you want to get revenge on the local news copter for some reason,by forcing it to land immediatly sometimes in two or more peices, and to top it all off it blows up stuff.sry I don't know how to post a pic in my comment, so I don't have one, and also if it were just a choice of swords a katana would be fine.