The reason i hate the president is not because he is black but because of what he is doing to our economy i am not saying Macain would have done any better or that Gorge.w.bush would have whipped us into shape but i am just stuck.
He hasn't seemed to accomplish very much. He'd be entirely to blame if this was a dictatorship where he made and carried out every decision. However, with the division by political parties, nothing's getting done in congress. For implementing nationwide regulations and laws, the president dosen't have much power. He can advocate for something to be passed, but without congress, everything seems to stop.
If you're not going to substantiate, or give specific policies, with at least a basic knowledge of the economy (and not just supply and demand), I suggest you read up more before posting.
He can advocate for something to be passed, but without congress, everything seems to stop.
This. Whatever comes out, has the approval of Congress. Let us also not forget that the government can propose bills without the President too, hence we should not blame him entirely.
The main problem lies in congress. The main problem in congress is political parties. In George Washington's Farewell Address here he states that political parties are the worst enemy of a popular government. They divide the nation and distract the government from doing its job. We're now seeing the effects firsthand.
Herp derp. Political parties are for people who don't want to think for themselves and want to just have what they believe is right handed to them and to be able to point to that group and say they belong. I've found since I've started looking into politics that I never fully agree with one side or the other, each is a bunch of half truths/ideas which lead to endless bickering.
I asked you to explain what he did to make the economy worse to test if you actually knew what you were talking about, and you pretty much proved to me that you don't.
Further proves your ignorance. How about having a working knowledge of whatever you want to debate on before posting? Also, it's a rather good idea to post more substantially. -sarcasm-
Come to think of it, without a good majority, a President will never enforce his views wholly without an external event, like Bush with 9/11, and Bush the lame duck President.
Obama isn't the one to blame, being president may sound to you like he has ultimate power and can do whatever he wants. It's far from it though.
Well yes, he has ultimate say in his veto does he not? He does have powers as Commander in Chief; but he also has to watch a potential public reaction and how external foreign forces act against him.