ForumsThe TavernTechnology

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12 posts

So here is what technology gives us...
Just about everything you use everyday. Now this doesn't mean water, air, or some food though it does give us a place to sleep, running water, air conditioners, and processed food. Technology basically is our everyday life.
It has helped us with so much of our everyday lives that we just take no notice of it after awhile and this may become a problem later on. How you ask? Well what happens if technology fails us, you, your family? That uncle on life support may not make it, the GPS might lead you off a cliff, and that laptop might crash. (Don't take offense to any of these examples, because they're just that, examples.) So here is the topic that you can discuss. What happens when technology fails? What do you do? Where do you live? How do you survive?
If you think that you can keep living a decent lifestyle without putting much thought into it then think about this, you lose everything if technology fails. You're going to lose your A/C, TV, iPod, computer, Armor Games (The horror!), refrigerator, electric lighting, your car, oven, possibly running water, and much, much more.
Also how do you think people will react to losing technology? Do you think, or hope, that people will come together and live peacefully?
Personally I believe that if technology fails then we would probably lose right around 5 billion people. I only say this much because so much of our food and medicine if made almost completely with technology. Though I would probably be with those people who do die, but if I did survive then I would probably live where I do now just because there is plenty of space to try and grow a little something. Unfortunately there is a very small amount of space that humans can grow crops on consistently and that area is probably getting smaller and less fertile every year.
Another unfortunate event is that people would probably end up killing each other off one by one and not come together as this is human nature.

On a side note, I wasn't sure if this belonged in the WEPR forums, so if it does belong there please move it there.

  • 10 Replies
2,074 posts

What happens when technology fails? What do you do? Where do you live? How do you survive?

Read books, write stories, play board games, etc. But I think today's society people are way to dependent on technology (That includes me). Whenever the power's out, everyone complains that they have no access to the internet or their computers or something like that.
5,552 posts

the GPS might lead you off a cliff,

You have to be a real moron to do that. Like so.

The Office: Michael Scott drives into a lake

What happens when technology fails?

Why has it failed? If we simply have no electricity, that's a bit different. If say we somehow no longer have the knowledge to make/use it, then we go back to living as people did 300 years ago. Pretty simple.
676 posts

Well what happens if technology fails us

Ooh, Like in that movie "I, Robot" where technology really fails us and we get saved by a "naked-in-the-first-scene-but-no-more-creepy" Will Smith? Then I am really frickin' scared.
87 posts

technology = global warming

122 posts

If electronics failed start over, ride horses, use bows and arrows, use knowledge we already have to survive. Not curled up in a corner hugging a laptop. But before all this the riots will happen (fun) while people loot TVs and computers hoping they work...because they can hope. Cars would work until they ran out of gas at least so I would travel somewhere safe or safer. There are already houses made so shelter isn't so much of an issue. But anyways people would spaz out and die because they've had technology their entire lives (think of a crack addict doing anything for his crack).

155 posts

it would be horrible if there was no technology!

787 posts

A complete start from scratch... A good topic and idea except for the fact that we would likely just end up restarting the cycle of technological doom over again.

440 posts

technology has pros and cons.
its completely subjective as to if a person thinks its good or not.
the only objective truth about technology is that it is there and can be used to harm or help.

274 posts

technology naturally allows us to text people and use access to this very site. Therefore you'd need it simply to exist with a comfortable life, wouldn't you...? Else you'd be living like a caveman or one of those tribes that live inside the Amazon rainforest that hasn't got any contact with the outside world or something like that... If you had always been a caveman, then that's fine, or a tribesperson... But if you've had technology for basically your whoollleee life, then how do you expect to be happy and sitting comfortably without it? You'd be twiddling your thumbs for the rest of eternity with the ever growing certainty that you'll never be unbored again... Therefore it plays a role of paramount importance in everybody's daily lives... Without it, we'd not be able to text or contact people... It'd be a frickin nightmare!!!

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