N.M.D. is the 100st game of Nitrome, released on 24 nov. You play alone ore co-op toall famous Nitrome monsters, in Nitrome Towers.What's your score?Here some pictures:
Is this game even on armor games?...it sounds bad...you spelled weapons wrong o.0
I enjoyed the game, even if I didn't finish it until now, I'm around level 30-40. I particulary like Boss levels
If it's not here on Armor Games why you did post this?
2nd and third picture didnt workkinda got stuck on level 35....
I have cool weapon: mega leaser! That's a nice 1.
ive beat the game
Nitro is a nice waepon, and points to.
I forgot to say,points can you UNLIMETED use. Just hold-in your fire-button,and you have a kind of unilmeted mini-gun. Is that a bug,or hear so?
Notrome is pretty sik they make a lotta gamz
Interesting. I should try this.
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