if u dont know who he is hes a random comedian on youtube hes probably the funniest person i know on the internet any other tobuscus audiences leave a comment about your favorite toby quote or video toby fan out.
if u dont know who he is hes a random comedian on youtube hes probably the funniest person i know on the internet any other tobuscus audiences leave a comment about your favorite toby quote or video toby fan out.
I love most of his stuff. his lazyvlogs get kind of repetitive so i don't watch it. mostly his literal trailers, CWF, and some of his tobygames highlights.
if you didn't know there's an app for the ipod that has tobuscus videos on it. dividing them into his tobuscus videos, lazy vlogs, and toby games.
Not often but I resubscribed cause of this thread lol
I really liked his New Vegas playthrough :P I stopped when he STARTED Terraria xD Now I look and he's on part like 150 :P
Oh and him playing Dead Space was EPIC :P
I used to play Minecraft and all. But I'm not a fan anymore and since he does so much Minecraft and Terraria I kinda just ignored him for a while :P
Skyrim though...this could be good
Really? Toby's how i got to know about Minecraft and Terraria, i hadn't heard about them before, and because of him, now i play MineCraft :d HE's influenced my life so much in 5 months