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819 posts

Now I have put a lot of thought into becoming a pagan because it feels right to me. I wanted to see what others, I have never met before, ideas on Paganism. You will obviously post information about Pagans, but I will only ask that you do support your information as I would expect the civilized people on this site would. Also your opinions will not influence my decision.

OK so now to the information I know. Paganism is really a very naturalistic religion, focusing on nature and more specifically the divinity behind nature. Some pagans are witches and some are wicca, but almost non of them are evil nor are any of them satanic. Yes the pentagram is a part of this religion but it is more like a cross than something evil.
Pagans also focus on women and most of the gods within are female. This doesn't mean that they are all women however. There are many men involved with the religion.

This is just a little bit of what pagans are about. So how do you feel about Paganism?

  • 9 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

I am going to question you on this one because the term Paganism doesn't denote a specific religion, but going by definition, any religion outside of the Abrahamic religions, or a religion that is characterized by polytheism and animalism. Rather in the modern context it is a very broad umbrella term, so if you care to give more details or a specific name it would be better.

OK so now to the information I know. Paganism is really a very naturalistic religion, focusing on nature and more specifically the divinity behind nature. Some pagans are witches and some are wicca, but almost non of them are evil nor are any of them satanic. Yes the pentagram is a part of this religion but it is more like a cross than something evil.

Sounds a lot to me like influences of Celtic Druidism.
1,036 posts

So how do you feel about Paganism?
Also your opinions will not influence my decision.

Sure, a lot of people think that just because there's no Grand High Wiccan and Pagan Council that there must be all kinds of magical carnage going on. Truth is, there are some fairly standard guidelines followed by a number of different Pagan traditions. While they vary from one group to the next, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the concepts. Learn more about the rules of magic before you continue your studies.[i]
Though I read some where that people that practice witchcraft are better not being part of a pagan group because you end up quarreling thinking they aren't doing something right etc.
9,462 posts

Okay first off paganism is a blanket term used to describe any number of religions. Today this generally refers to the ancient naturalistic and pantheistic religions and there derivatives. There was actually a point when Christianity was regarded as a pagan religion by the Romans before it became dominant.

Some pagans are witches and some are wicca,

Wicca is a religion and a fairly recent one at that, though it derives from ancient religious beliefs and practices. A person in Wicca is usually regarded as a witch or wizard (ala Harry Potter).
The basic tenant of this religion is that what ever you do whether it has a positive or negative effect will come back to you in fold (some say 3x some say 10x). So if you do something that has negative effects on others you will have negative things happen to you that are even worse then what you caused and of course the same goes for positive things that you cause to happen. Because of this it is often recommended that one carefully consider all the possible outcomes of one's actions particularly in spell casting before acting.
As for morals the general rule is that you can do what ever you want so long as you don't hurt anyone (do as you will but harm non). There are several concepts of the exact extent this goes.
Spell casting isn't that far off from just praying in any other religion it just includes more of a ritual while doing it and that you have to go and act on it. Basically if you wanted a new car you can't just cast the spell and a new car will plop down in your lap, you still have to go out and find one. The spell itself supposedly just improves your odds of doing this.

Yes the pentagram is a part of this religion but it is more like a cross than something evil.

The pentagram is generally regarded as a symbol of protection, which as far as I know is it's original use. Even the inverted pentagram stand for this. The difference in orientation depends on if you are calling for strength and protection from a divine source or from yourself.

This is just a little bit of what pagans are about. So how do you feel about Paganism?

Overall there really isn't anything to it that you couldn't get without it.
2,487 posts

paganism? nice, but this kinda seems like that thread a while back that focused on odinism (some of you should remember it).

the only difference is I don't know enough about wicca to actually attempt to poke holes into your beliefs (trust me, if your beliefs are strong, it will make them stronger) I will be back after I study a little more on paganism.

1,370 posts

Sounds a lot to me like influences of Celtic Druidism

Paganism was the main religion back then thats why it reminds you of celtic druidism because it pretty much is other then some changes over the years
3,817 posts

Now I have put a lot of thought into becoming a pagan because it feels right to me. I wanted to see what others, I have never met before, ideas on Paganism. You will obviously post information about Pagans, but I will only ask that you do support your information as I would expect the civilized people on this site would. Also your opinions will not influence my decision.

"Feels right"? Not facts, not any information, but you get a feeling?

That isn't a reason to make a decision, that is a reason to get lunch. You should get some actual facts before making a decision. The pagan gods do not exist, so I do not suggest worshiping them.

OK so now to the information I know. Paganism is really a very naturalistic religion, focusing on nature and more specifically the divinity behind nature. Some pagans are witches and some are wicca, but almost non of them are evil nor are any of them satanic. Yes the pentagram is a part of this religion but it is more like a cross than something evil.

That kind of paganism? It is almost more insane then the rest of it. How about you get a few witches and set up an experiment? Then when they are proven wrong, you won't have to join any religion.

Pagans also focus on women and most of the gods within are female. This doesn't mean that they are all women however. There are many men involved with the religion.

Well I suppose that is a good thing if you are doing it to meat women, however I would not suggest one that believes herself to have magical powers, otherwise I don't see why this is relevant.

This is just a little bit of what pagans are about. So how do you feel about Paganism?

I think it is an insane believe for believing in gods and magical powers. You should just stay away from religion, you will be glad you did.
40 posts

So really what is Paganism?

Paganism is religion of place, or a native religion like Hinduism or the religions that Native Americans had. It is basically characterized by a connection to nature, and are usually polytheistic and have many gods and /or godessess.

Paganism is a religion of nature and therefore the Pagans see the divine godess as the immanent mother nature and revere every plant and source of life as holy. they see the divine as both female and male as compared to the patriarchal religions like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

Some notable Pagan religions include: Wicca, Druidism, Shamanism, Native American religions, Gaulish religion, and Hinduism. Most Pagans believe in reincarnation and also see it as a simple re-cycling of souls. Most Pagans no not worship in a biudling such as a mosque or a church, but rather asseble themselves in a a circle outside in some place natural.

As the Celtic religion was Pagan, they too assebled themselves in a forest sanctuary to worship their gods which the Romans named after their own gods. "Lugh" was a Celtic god that was known to the Romans as "Mercury" and was the Celts' most powerful god. The Celts had many gods for basic trades such as shoemaking, blacksmithing, commerce, trade, etc.

Overall, I'd say Paganism isn't as bad as it sounds. Sure, the Christians are totally against it, but that's because they hate that the Pagans worship the "Creation" rather than the "Creator", while in fact, the Pagans believe that nature is a god.

18 posts

As a lot of others I'd question your definition of paganism.

Also, I'd question your choice purely on that grounds. I have nothing against paganism, but if you can't define something properly it seems a bit of a ridiculous jump to claim to believe it. That also does not necessarily mean you have to change your belief system, but rather that you should make sure your label is accurate.

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