ForumsThe TavernFast food and food Poisoning

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819 posts

So right around two Saturdays ago I got food poisoning from eating Burger King. Needless to say I haven't touched fast food since. So my question is how do you feel about fast food? Are you afraid of gaining the extra pound or twenty? Do you fear the chance of getting food poisoning or possible something worse from fast food?

  • 13 Replies
676 posts

My mother once got food poisoning by airplane food. I never knew you got food poisoning from fast food, I've heard of people getting really really fat because of fast food, but not food poisoning.

5,552 posts

So my question is how do you feel about fast food?

I like how it tastes. I don't eat it all the time, or even often, not even once a month, but I do like it on occasion.

Are you afraid of gaining the extra pound or twenty?

No. I don't eat it nearly often enough for that.

Do you fear the chance of getting food poisoning or possible something worse from fast food?

Not in particular. I know it can happen, but I've never gotton food poisoning before and I have been sick a total of about 7 times in my life, 6 of those just a 1-2 day cold.
1,627 posts

Nah, I'm not really scared about fast food. Although I did find a hair in my burger once *shudder*

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Fast food and food poisoning have little correlation in general, it just happened that whatever you ate unfortunately was contaminated. As far as I know, fast food is as safe as any other food cooked outside.

I used to eat it often due to my busy life, but I've been cutting back on that, and losing the fat.

819 posts

Fast food and food poisoning have little correlation in general, it just happened that whatever you ate unfortunately was contaminated. As far as I know, fast food is as safe as any other food cooked outside.

Have you ever read 'Fast food Nation' by Eric Schlosser? I'm not so sure that fast food is just as good any other types of food. You're also probably right about it just being contaminated but there will still be that fear for me, and that question of 'what if it wasn't just contamination?

Nah, I'm not really scared about fast food. Although I did find a hair in my burger once *shudder*

Did you ask for a new one? I personally would have.

Now I did mean for this to be for any little thing about fast food. Questions, cravings, and fears alike.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I'm not so sure that fast food is just as good any other types of food.

I said safe, not good or healthier. Who's to tell if the food place down your street even practices good hygiene? A commercialized food chain that spans into the thousands would be more trustworthy since they have an image to look up to and stricter regulation.
819 posts

I said safe, not good or healthier.

Yeah that's true. hehe..

Who's to tell if the food place down your street even practices good hygiene?

I would hope considering it's a Subway

A commercialized food chain that spans into the thousands would be more trustworthy since they have an image to look up to and stricter regulation.

Yes that's true that they have an image to up hold and most of them want a good reputation. I would still not trust them because I have seen them very dirty and not kept up. Aside from generally lousy service I always seem to get I'm never really impressed with how I see the kitchen, floors, tables, and the bathrooms.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Well mate, so long as you don't get sick, it should be clean enough. :3

1,810 posts

Are you afraid of gaining the extra pound or twenty?

I have an annoyingly high metabolism so I don't have to worry about pounds. I don't eat it all the time and I have recently stopped going all together. I still go to In-N-Out and Subway though, if those count. I decided a while ago to not go to certain fast food places for health reasons. Most of the Carl Jrs. and Burger Kings I have been in has horrible maintance issues that killed my appitite.

Although I did find a hair in my burger once *shudder

If I found something like that, I would keep my distance from that place for a while. I have a weak stomach when it comes to unwanted suprises in my food.
4,710 posts

food Poisoning

you mean except the chemicals? depends what you mean with poison.

So my question is how do you feel about fast food?

it is ok. depends where you eat and how often you eat it.

Are you afraid of gaining the extra pound or twenty?

no because i eat it 1-3 times in a year.

Do you fear the chance of getting food poisoning or possible something worse from fast food?

as said above i dont eat fast food so frequently. if there is something wrong with the food and i notice it while i eat it i go to the seller and inform them about their bad food.

156 posts

it's not the food itself that gives you poisoning, its the way it was prepared, stored, and cooked. There are health codes all food producing places HAVE to follow, from bk to Mc Donalds to your hometown local family owned restaurant. Yes, fast food is bad for you, but just because it's bad, doesnt mean you will get poisoning. If you do get food poisoning, i suggest calling and talking to the manager of the restaurant and notifying him or her.

417 posts

Fast Food Poison would make a good band name.

280 posts

Fast Food like Mc.Donalds is gross ( my opinion ) Taco Bell and Sub Way I think are better well they are the only Fast Food resturaunts I eat from...

Food poisoning well I eat the dried seaweed with salt on it and on the bottom they're is the food poison thing and a kid in my class took it from me and gave it to someone else... Every one survived.

My friends parents both ate the same thing like a week before then the dad goes to the hospital... The next day... The mom vomits practically throguht most of the day... Mostly bad stuff here.........

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