ForumsWEPRHeaven is for Real

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This isn't about how I feel about heaven being real. It's more about how this boy feels about heaven.

Heaven is for Real

So this boy had a near-death experience and he wanted to share what he saw there. WHat do you think about it, do you belive it? Do you think he was just seeing things? Post your opinion.

  • 81 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Unfortunately the study only proved that for button pressing. It postulates and speculates this might be linked to other actions, but hasn't proven so; for example, it doesn't prove that long before you choose, you have decided to make coffee compared to tea, as the article mentioned.

Philosophers who know about the science, as the article states, don't think this sort of study is good evidence for the absence of free will, because the experiments are caricatures of decision-making. Even the seemingly simple decision of whether to have tea or coffee is more complex than deciding whether to push a button with one hand or the other.

Furthermore, the experiment only predicted correctly with a 60% accuracy rate, which is slightly better than a 50% guess on right or left.

2,763 posts

Unfortunately the study only proved that for button pressing. It postulates and speculates this might be linked to other actions, but hasn't proven so; for example, it doesn't prove that long before you choose, you have decided to make coffee compared to tea, as the article mentioned.

Yeah sure, but you can't prove that your decisions are due to your consciousness that is a speculation you postulated.

because the experiments are caricatures of decision-making

Computers can make decision too and do they have a consciousness? I don't think so, not yet anyway.

Even the seemingly simple decision of whether to have tea or coffee is more complex than deciding whether to push a button with one hand or the other.

Is it thought? You have initial states and final states with variables for the items you are thinking about and methods you execute to decide. Decision is based on your initial state that then is brought to consciousnesses by the methods.

It is a tricky issue but when you look at chess engines like Fritz and Rybka that play extremely sharp and sometimes creative games that chessmasters have thought to be humans you come to question decisions and consciousness. If computers can make better decisions without a consciousness then what was the evolutionary benefit of it?
539 posts

But saying that, I do believe that the dad's selling of this book is somewhat connected to greed. But he's a religious man, is he not? I reckon that somewhere in that head of his, he actually believes his son's words.

No different to being a televangelist really. He may be a religious man and he may well believe his son's words, but he obviously sees nothing wrong with earning a bit of cash out of it while he's at it.

I was in hospital some time ago and remember seeing bright lights... I was dying at the time as I urgently needed operating on. But was I seeing something religious or just seeing the bright lights of the operating theatre before I went under the anesthetic? Or, being that it was a brain operation, could it have been my brain playing tricks on me? According to my surgeon I was on the brink of death and had I been religious, I could have mistaken my experience for some sort of heavenly one.

Put 3 people in the identical situation and depending on their beliefs, the story will be similar but with varying degrees of religious hokum thrown in to reinforce a belief.
13 posts

he could and probably took info that he heard and in his state made up a story that he went to heaven ad saw all of these &quoteople"

5,340 posts

maybe but even that doesnt have to happen. today pretty much anyone knows what angels, heaven, hell are. even non-religios people. hell and heaven became words we use even when not talking about the places etc. im sure any child knows about the cloudy heaven and the hot hell weather they believe in it or not.

21 posts


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