Well on Colony I Just Log In And Something Really Wierd Happens. Well Please State All Your Problems You See In The Game Here Please Enjoy!
The Problem i Had Was Really Wierd. Some Say It Was Back When Colony First Started When You Had To Choose Between Two Servers. Well In The New Version You Do Not Choose Because Everyone's In The Same Server. When Just Clicked My Colony Thing, Something Wierd Popped Up, It Skipped The loading Thing and Said This: http://prntscr.com/4ckji And Then Brought Me To a Random Game Verses The CPUs On The Caimpagin But Then i Left And Went Back To The Main Menu And Said: Colony Is Only Available To Play On ArmorGames. Then It Went To The Loading Screen And Did The Same Thing All Over Again! But After That I Refreshed And EveryThing Was Back To Normal. Wierd Right?
Well Please State Any Questions You Have Or Problems Your Having With This Game, Enjoy!
This is a known bug. It goes through all 31ish slides in the game. It's not really that big of a problem, but recently people have been getting it more and more.
Krin already said there might not be another Colony patch. The first time I got this bug was last August, but haven't gotten it since. I have heard recently that people have been able to cause it using hacks. Does it happen when you join a game?
if this is going to be a prominent issue for users of the game then regardless of whether krin is going to be doing patches on colony, this needs to be ironed over, so tyvm cenere, would be ace if you could contace him rather than us, even me and soy have our limits of influence on colony, and he will pay more attention to an admin contacting him than us.
[quote=Krin]@SoymasterYos: The chances are rather low of a Colony patch for the following reasons: 1. It is a technical nightmare for me since I created Colony in Flash CS3 but have since upgraded to CS5. For some reason the files have compatibility issues, which slows me down a lot 2. It's been a long time since I worked with that code such that it would take a couple of days for me just to find my way around my own code! (I'm a messy programmer). That said, I do still have all the lists you sent me If time permits, I'll see what I can do. I just think it's best for everyone if I just focus on a Colony 2: I'll make patching easier so balance and bugs can be fixed long after release.[/quote]
Good grief until krin finishes with his other projects colony 2 will be ready to lanuch from 2 years from now. because sonny 3 and other projects are taking 2 year now so. do the math krin doesn't like to listen us.
near august hackers were slowly dispersing by the anti hack squad since than the clony anti hack squad has fallen apart i only see 2 or 3 reporting to brp47 and soymaster sometimes i get ma dand i report as well but then soymaster never listen since he became so pop.
well the bugs very rare for me since I rarely use my computer while it's lagging and it's happened to me when I started a game it just showed the screens in a flash non stop so I refreshed and ta-da no more glitching with it.