ForumsGame WalkthroughsUnreal Flash 3

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For unreal flash 3 the first level will be a tutorial.That should teach you the basics.Here are some tipsuring instakill mode each shot kills so you dont neccesarily have to get in close.On the map if your in range of an enemy even if you dont see them you can still hit them.(If they cant see you then they wont shoot.On the Niko levels dont try to go down to them that will be too slow just wait for them to come up to you.The snipers seconday shot is very helpful during capture the flag.Its a teleporting shot so you can fire it far away from the flag but if you secondary shoot again then you are teleported.Here are the cheat codes WHOARETHEMASTERS unlocks the secret team, WHEREAMI ulocks the secret map, ENTERTHEMATRIX unlocks matrix mode(put it in again to reverse it),IMFROMIRONMAN lets you play as Ironman,ILOVECRASHING lets you play as the crash dummy,and ITSAMEMARIO lets you play as mario.(WARNING! cheats can not be reversed exept for ENTERTHEMATRIX)

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