ForumsWEPRPossibility of zombification?

27 9201
102 posts

Scientific evidence has been given for the possibility of reanimating the dead. I found some articles discussing this and I thought that were quite interesting. There might be some coarse language within the article. (This is a copy of the real version which contained quite a lot of graphic images that I deemed inappropriate for younger viewers :P)
It is from a humour site, which I find quite ironic. Maybe I take things too seriously?

5 Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen

Basically this article mentions 5 reasons that the zombification could actually happen:

1. Nano-bots
2. Neurogenesis
3. Viruses
4. Neurotoxins
5. Parasites

Also, an article from New Scientists identifying the boundary between life and death:

The Boundary Between Life and Death

Basically, there is a brain wave that occurs within patients when the neurons stop functioning (which is oversimplifying it) :P
If this effect could be reversed, wouldn't the dead once again be, "alive"?

Anyway, based on these two articles, theoretically, wouldn't the possibility of zombification be quite high?

  • 27 Replies
35 posts

If you describe zombies as a blood thirsty crazed mindless being then no zombies could not exist. But, there are some types of "zombies" such as when a person has rabies, they act scared of everyone and irrational.

1,502 posts

Zombies are anatomically impossible really. They are the "walking dead," generally with a penchant for brains. If they are dead, however, nothing could sustain them because they can't digest anything, their brains wouldnt function for even the most base instincts, their ligaments would separate from their bones towards the bloated phase of decay, and they wouldn't be able to move. So there is not any possibility of "zombification."

676 posts

Sorry. Zombies can't be real. First, that is a humor site. Second, the heart has to beat to pump blood, and if the heart stops beating, it probably couldn't be turned back on. Second, everyone says you need a headshot to kill a zombie where if it actually happened just two shots in the leg and they'd bleed out.

21 posts

Well, zombies dont necessarily have to be "dead", per say. An intelligent virus or something of the sort could infect people (exe. through a bite, as most zombies usually do) and take control of your body, it could put your conscious mind into a coma like state while taking control of your body at the same time. You might not see all the gashes and wounds on zombies that you see in movies, but you might see a few small bite marks or abrashions somewhere on their body. Now this may seem completely outrageous, but almost anythings possible.(<--- please dont make a discussion about this sentence)

1,810 posts

An intelligent virus

A virus can't reason in any way so they don't have the most basic of intellect.

it could put your conscious mind into a coma like state while taking control of your body at the same time.

I guess this would make it a certain type of zombie, but it would kill certain traditional zombie traits. One being their increased resistance to any type of weapon. And their motor control would be non existent, which means they would be clumsy and barely able to run. So if these types of zombies did exist it would be an epidemic, but not the zombies running wild type, because they would be killed/captured quite easily. It would be more of a disease epidemic similar to AIDS.

Now this may seem completely outrageous, but almost anythings possible.(<--- please dont make a discussion about this sentence)

Fine, deny me all of my imaginative ideas.
1,502 posts

Rabies is possibly the only virus that could produce a state similar to zombification, but it would not meet the criteria of the person being undead.
Nom nom nom brainzzz.

424 posts

An evolved rabies. But it was unlikely the virus to hack into people's minds.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Well, rabies just turns one into a poor copy of life, raging with wrath and bloodthirstiness.

Anyway, remember mad cow disease? It can transmit to humans, leading to lack of muscular control, weird walking gait, loss of mental capabilities, involuntary movements, etc. A little like zombification. A little.

10 posts

zombies are just a rumor. zombification is probaly impossible. the meaning of zombies is just to make people scared i think. i hope so :P

8,257 posts

An evolved rabies. But it was unlikely the virus to hack into people's minds.

Evolved in what way? Please specify.
Also, wouldn't it just give rise to an even more agressive but still perfectly mortal disease? Of course infected might show a behaviour that may be similar to what some people might imagine under zombie behaviour, but they wouldn't be zombies in any case.
10 posts

LOL envolved rabies that can hack in to people minds?? LOL

21 posts

devsaupa- I guess this would make it a certain type of zombie, but it would kill certain traditional zombie traits. One being their increased resistance to any type of weapon. And their motor control would be non existent, which means they would be clumsy and barely able to run. So if these types of zombies did exist it would be an epidemic, but not the zombies running wild type, because they would be killed/captured quite easily. It would be more of a disease epidemic similar to AIDS.
I never said they would be running, and yes, I know they would not have increased resistence to damage, but they would still be able to, for example, have an arm fall off since it is not necessary to the body. And they would not be as easy to catch/kill them as you might think because in large numbers they can swarm you, plus, that is usually why people get killed in zombie movies, there are alot of zombies coming at them, too many to fight at once, and they are overwhelmed and get killed(<-- pls dont make a iscussion about tis sentence)

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