Are you allowing enough storage space? To check, right click on a game on Armor Games > settings > click the folder looking thing > move all the way to the right to set to unlimited, so you don't have to worry about it not allowing enough storage space. Also, if you're clearing your cookies/cache often in your browsers settings or with a program, make sure you're saving the Armor Games related cookies/cache so it doesn't delete your saved progress - some of the games save on your browser/computer instead of all of them saving to your account. And make sure your browser isn't clearing those once you close out of it.
when I right click and go to settings, I do not get an option to upgrade memory. I get 'enable hardware acceleration' on the first tab, 2nd tab is a microphone, 3rd tab is USB video device.
If i click on 'Settings Manager', memory comes up, but it only asks me if I want to block things or not. There's no slider for available memory.
Which browser are you using and which version of it? Also, which version of flash player? Just to be safe you should probably update those if they aren't already updated. I don't think the browser has anything to do with it since it says adobe flash player (just a guess) when you see it, but I get this: