Calling all knights! We need your help! Make sure to watch and comment on this commercial to help ArmorGames make it to the Super Bowl! Wouldn't it be awesome to see one of your favorite gaming sites feature a commercial on the Super Bowl? The answer is yes! Thanks for all of the support!
Announcer: " In a land of great adventures... comes one brave hero..." *sushi cat appears*: "Meow" Announcer : "Armor Games 3 Beta out NOW!" *Big letters on screen appear* saying *Gameplay of sushi cat,Raze2,crushthecastle3 (please!!!),Kingdom Rush, Clickplay 3 ECT appear flashing on screen* Announcer: "All of your favorite flash games are HERE, in the kingdom of ARMORGAMES"
Yes it is but that doesn't mean we have to stop talking about it since AG is trying to win in facebook if I'm correct so this can help out a it I guess >.>