ForumsGame WalkthroughsSonny 2 Bio Build (only)

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115 posts

It seems that there is a lot of walkthroughs for the game, but not on the moves. Well Iâm going to do that now, Iâve a lot with Bio since i seem to have a great combo (no itâs not the withdrawal combo) Lets start by saying all the moves that i ever needed:

Predator Form
Leading strike
Shadow blend

With these moves i can defeat (most) emenys with ease.
This is great for all levels (easy, challenging, and heroic).
First of you start with integrity, since you can get it to max level, then you can do the easy Leading strike/destroy combo. Then head for Break (all the moves you need to get so you can get that move should just be at level one) leave break at one until disrupt is at two.
Next head for reform, with that you can max it while you wait for Predator Form. Now we head for shadow blend, make sure you max it. All other points can go into passive moves, if you wish you can add other moves too.

How to use the moves:
To use the moves right so all enemyâs seem easy; to do that spread your points into strength and speed, leftovers used in vitally. Make sure to wear best amour you can use, and to give some to your partners too, there old amour does not help as much in the later zones.
To use the moves in the right order do this:

If the enemy relies on focus, use the disrupt combo
If the enemy relies on attacking, use the destroy combo
If the enemy relies on defense, use the All-Out combo

1. Disrupt
2. Break
3. Leading Strike
4. Destroy

1. Predator form
2. Leading strike
3. Destroy
4. Any other strong attack move (if none use leading strike)

1. Break
2. Shadow Blend
3. Predator form
4. Destroy
5. Leading Strike
6. Disrupt

*reform is used to say alive for hard hitting enemies
*all other tactic work too
-Foxire's Help

  • 5 Replies
1,673 posts

1. Predator form
2. Leading strike
3. Destroy
4. Any other strong attack move (if none use leading strike)

You don't need to use leading strike right after predator form because predator enables you to regain 100 focus a turn. To be honest, I dislike this build and think the addition of moves such as toxicant form, withdraw, and agile exposure are a good add to any bio build, and you don't have these.
115 posts

I know, thats why i said you can add any moves you want to the list. that combo is still good thou, since leading strike can break a sheild and destory can hit full power.

1,673 posts

leading strike can break a sheild and destory can hit full power.

Do you really know how sonny 2 works? Shields generate a certain amount of protection but after that they're nothing. It's not like once you break a shield it just does nothing, no it actually does a little damage. And what I'm saying is that those moves are way better than the ones in your combos.
115 posts

no i was saying maybe a shield is weak enough, so when u hit leading strike your destory hits full power, i know a sheild takes so much damage. ive been playingthe game for awhile, ive played with 13 different players trying out everything...... i found that Hyrdic is best for overall tactics but hardocre players can go beast with psycho... i should know... its not that hard...

1,673 posts

I still don't get why you would use destroy second

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