ForumsThe TavernVery interesting facts

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Ever have a fact that is pretty interesting and want to share it? Here is the place to do it! It can be anything, just not something that everyone knows.

  • 35 Replies
536 posts

Hey, it's another random/interesting facts thread! Interesting fact: There are at least three other threads on this topic, and they were all locked. Links to them:
Random and Interesting Facts
Random Facts
Weird and Interesting Facts (they are real)

35 posts

Coke is green before they add dye to it
a penny costs more than a cent to make

317 posts

Pizza is actually a vegetable know...its has the origin of veggies.

536 posts

lol That's the OP of the i dont want to live on this planet anymore, right?

317 posts

I saw that in science today btw.

13,657 posts

Pizza is actually a vegetable know...its has the origin of veggies.

Doesn't it just count as a share of vegetables because of the tomato sauce, and it is considered this to cut down on the prize of a school meal?
So, a pizza is not a vegetable, but rather it contains a share of vegetables that should be good enough for a school meal.

Various studies and sites have been made to see how gullible people are on the internet. Mostly these studies are done through starting a rumour, often in a somewhat scientific manner (journal paper, article and so on) and send out via email. As most people are really bad at:
a) checking sources
b) using internet search engines
those people will instead consider the article a fact and go on sharing the email or "fact" with their friends and family, thus getting the story to spiral out of control, and soon the majority of the civilised world will consider it a fact that they will cite if asked about interesting facts.
Since some things are actually pretty hard to research, or because there is no official research done in the area, most of those do however end up in a grey area between truth and fiction, and even when the original author/prankster goes forth and says that they started it, and it was a lie, most people will still, after having heard various variations of the rumour, consider the rumour the truth.

Or to the patiently impaired: some facts are lies.

Also, this is a perfectly good reason as to why the other threads fail. People come up with some fact that they copy/paste from a "Did you know" list without having any idea whether it is correct or not, and this copy/paste spam combined with people not caring to read the previous posts to see what has already been posted means the threads get locked as spam.
16 posts

....Pizza is a crafted food, it could possibly have vegetables in it, but it, in itself, is NOT a vegetable, it's a dish. That's like saying a hamburger is a bread because it has a bun, ignoring the meaty center. Hmmmmmm meat.

13,657 posts

Doesn't mean it can't count as a serving of vegetables.

Coke is green before they add dye to it

Debunked both by Coca Cola and Snopes.
And considering the regular like towards funky looking drinks, I think they would have more success with green coke rather than anything else, because it is funky.
Unless you are speaking of cocaine, in which case you are right, except they don't add dye to it, I believe they bleach it. (Not the plant, which is the thing being green in this equation, but the sap from the leaves).

Anyway. The more you know.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

If they pile enough vegetables on there, maybe it could pass...

Then it's the vegetables that are vegetables, not the pizza. If that's the case, I can put broccoli onto deep fried skunk and called it green too.
13,657 posts

Wait... Snopes is trustworthy? :O

They have sources.
It's good enough for me right now. Not to mention the colour green doesn't tend to happen naturally very easily. Clear? Sure. Greenish but clear? Yup. Actually green? Doubtfully.

If they pile enough vegetables on there, maybe it could pass...

Well, that was the ruling. Pizza can count for a serving of vegetables in schools, due to the tomato sauce.

Uninteresting fact: I am really bored and procrastinating, and AG is my playground. It is not a good thing.

Hmm, what else.
The education to become a librarian has little to do with books. Rather, web sites, taxonomies and proper use of search engines has become the main topic, as well as cultural information sharing and customer service.
While not a fact, but rather an observation the majority of the new librarians will know little about new media because they assumed they were going to learn about books.
After three and a half year of education, some people still need to get "MMORPG" explained to them, as well as descriptions on what the internet might be used for.
Oh, and apparently there is very little research on MMORPGs for some reason.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

What would happen Cen, when people stop reading physical books and turn to Amazon?

You seem to be in a Last of the Mohicans scenario.

13,657 posts

What would happen Cen, when people stop reading physical books and turn to Amazon?

Well, let's see...
Research shows many people buy lots of books. Not to read them, but because it looks good on their book shelf or coffee table.
Most readers dislike reading stuff for fun on a screen, but would rather have a physical book in their hands.
And most of the bigger libraries here have started lending out e-readers and e-books, as well as giving courses on how to use these things, not to mention emails, mp3-players, smart phones and many other things.
Besides that, a library, at least run properly, is more than a place with books, but rather a place with entertainment of various kinds, public service and courses as well as rather helpful individuals trained to help you use the internet, search engines and so on, and have access to better internet archives with information.

I also kinda think Amazon won't send their kindle outside of the associated country due to lack of costumer service, but I haven't checked it.
Personally I wouldn't mind an e-reader for my source books and dictionaries, but I am a big fan of books in general, and my shelves would look lonely without them.

Did that even answer anything or was that just as much of a long rant of nothing as I thought it was?..

Either way, the library as we know is evolving to fit the needs of the users, at least the ones run properly, and thus the moment people stop being interested in physical entertainment and stop borrowing books and cds, games, movies and so on, the librarians are ready to embrace the users' new needs.
93 posts

Clownfish have no gender. Correct me if i'm wrong, but I think the biggest fish of the group is then the new female.

1,502 posts

Albert Fish was a cannabalistic serial killer who had a poop eating fetish and is actually named Howard, but goes after the name of his dead brother.

Ancient Romans washed their clothes in fermented urine.

Smallpox originated from the teats or udders of cows.

Rendered pig fat is a common ingredient in gummybears.

17 posts

Nintendo manufactured parts for the original NES until 2007.

Manfred Von Richtoven or The red Baron applied for the British air-Force before getting accepted for the Germans.

Your appendix has no use what so ever

The original computers for the Apollo 11 mission had less processing power than a handheld calculator

Showing 1-15 of 35