ForumsGame WalkthroughsThe Last Castle (Play and Build Guide)

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Where is it?
First, this game is now off the front page, so search for it or go to here or here.

To prepare, I suggest you play in Firefox on Low Quality. This game has many server glitches right now, so if you can't log on or rooms are messing up, you may have to wait till later. Some common glitches that force you to restart are being kicked or various mob and team oddities. I suggest you try to type in the chat bar, and if it doesn't post, or the wave never seems to complete despite no mobs, you may want to refresh the page.

You can either play practice mode or multiplayer. Both which have the same basic gameplay. There are 3 classes to control, and the goal is to keep the castle above 0 health until the daylight timer counts down (a sun which is then replaced by the night timer, a crescent moon). The main difference is that practice mode you have to control all 3 classes alone (via selection), where multiplayer only 1 person controls each class. Multiplayer also has a much more linear approach to gaining levels via ever increasing experience points.

Each (multiplayer) level you are rewarded with 1 stat and 1 skill point, until level 26 when you start to only receive 1 stat point per level (at that time you have enough points to max out your skill tree on all classes).

Each class has 3 main skills which branch off each into 2 spec skills, yielding 9 total skills. You cannot invest into a spec skill until you max out it's respective main skill.


The stat system has Health (XXX), Mana (XXX), Damage (XX), Range (XXX px), and Attack Speed (X.XX); the warrior cannot invest in range. Each stat also has a designated starting/max level and increment rate per class.


Tips and Tricks
1. If you can only get 2 people in a room, such as only wanting to play with a friend, archer and mage does well together until level 26, then do warrior and mage.
2. The first melee stat to increase for mage and archer is attack speed, while for warrior is pure attack.
3. Mage should always max heal and it's specs first (stat should be +2 hp then max mana). Mage should also glitch heal after wave 20 (hold Q and rapidly click at the topmost point of the green selection circle). A successful glitch repeats the casting animation and lowers your mana by the heal cost until you are out of mana.
4. Warrior should always have healing support below level 3, and invest in rage and it's specs first due to the healing and massive damage boost (stat should be max health first then attack). Base level in mana is enough to charge then immediately rage which will help with finishing waves that much faster, so I suggest 1 point in charge after you can start healing yourself.
5. Archer should go with focus and attack speed first, as flask may miss and needs 6 regular enemies to be effective. Until you get to the level where you can spend points in mana (possibly the 50s for most builds), you won't very often be able to flask after a focus. Also, remember that archer has no heal skill!

  • 8 Replies
1 posts

Very nice guide, i was wondering about the arrow range stat cause i thought it was for arrow damage. Its not very clear in the game.

18 posts

I have an 40 lvl+ Char. I usually play as Archer, and i stat it like that:
Health- +1
Damage- till reach 20 or more
Reach- Max
Mana- till reach 136
Hit rate- Max
If u stat ur archer like that, he wont need using the concentration spell THAT early, just in case of bosses or creatures from lvl 20+
Archers r the Lone Wolf kind of char, they fight alone and they NEED an mage with Mass heal and Mana mass heal. If the round mage dont have this abilities archer will be an easy prey for enemies of 20-25+ waves.
If u r low level, dont upgrade the dart bag spell. This spell its just for use in the bosses or in BIG enemies waves. The assassination spell its the LAST one to be upgraded, since low lvls chars dont will REALLY need it that often.
Hope other archers like =P

1,391 posts

I was going to do one of these, but I accidently hit one of my faverourites on my faverouite bar and poof it was gone

1 posts

This is really confusing as to which stat you should increase first.

2 posts

Really usefull tips! I am always a mage ranger, I do not like it to lose health

266 posts

Warrior get over 500 HP and max damage, and then attack speed. Finally remaining points all to HP (That would be 600HP only at level 47). Rage tree first. Dash and stomp are similarly useful, I suggest dash because it is the key spell for warrior reinforcement. Hard to play, you need to learn when to run away with dash, and when to fall back. With level 30-lish mage and ranger and a 40-lish warrior it is possible to beat all waves without using bug, but the warrior would be busy runing back and forth.

Mage go attack speed, damage, and then range. Heal tree first, and than stick, finally fireball. Fireball is quite useless due to the high mana cost (unless you spam bug, I suggest you don't bug because it is not fun). Just keep your heal on the warrior. Once warrior fall back keep attack and retreating on your side while still healing yourself constantly.

Ranger attack speed first, and then range, finally damage. Focus and flasks. If the warrior don't know when to retreat, yell for help early (required for waves after 26). Not much thing to talk about this class, as you are on the position of being helped, not helping others. You can throw flasks instead of using focus when enemies are next to the castle such that the warrior won't be killed that easily.

2,739 posts

if you can see that sombody has played a certain character than u .....let them be it!don't fight them for it .it just ticks them off.

when you are the ranger you definetly want to have focus and just fully upgrade it all the way.after that then get the frost flask and fully upgrade it.leave the assisnation for last .as for attrobutes.when 10 and under then you just wanna upgrade damage for when you are waiting for focus to recharge.after leval 1 0 then you wanna upgrade the firing rate then upgrade the damage .also as you leval up mre you will probably be fighting all alone on your side.

for the warrior you wanna get rage and heath first .then stomp then rush .you wanna upgrade the heath first then when that is full (1230) then you want to upgrade your damage.when you start getting to the later levals you wanna have the mage with you because the chubracobras will kill your relitivly fast and you will need lots of heath.

now for the want to get heal for the mana and for the team heal( giving 120 heath does not hurt ether). the second would be the stick for the boost in attack damage and then lastly the fire will want to upgrade the mana al the way first then you will want to upgrade range( so you can be farther back and still heal allies)and after range then you will want to upgrade your firing rate and attack.a mage does not have to heal spam to be a good mage

this is my guide to the last castle killersup says PEACE.

1 posts

1. mage should follow knight. ranger can take care of himself
2. mage must spam heal
3. mage skills order: max heal skill tree, max magic stick skill tree, then it depends
4. mage stat order: mana at 210(power transfer will do the rest), range, then it depends
5. ranger must max focus and attk speed
6. ranger must position at bottom edge to avoid being attack by most enemy
7. ranger skill order: max focus tree, then its depends
8. ranger stat order: max attk speed, max dmg
9. use focus when ever possible
10. use flask for groups

11. warrior must tank mage
12. warrior skill order: max rage skill tree, max dash skill tree
13. warrior stat order: hp at 600, max dmg, max attk speed. mage will take care of heal and mana
14. use rage when ever possible
15. mighty dash to travel faster

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