Have you ever had as awesome game idea of a forum game, but you were the one that wanted to play it, or your not the best host? Well in this thread you can fill out one of the following sheets and you and a group of Elite Hosts will discuss this with you until we think we have pushed the game to its max potential the you will ask one of the available hosts and you will have a good forum game. That said. if you are a host who thinks that they need more of a challenge or think that they can offer great advice. you will also fill out a different sheet that is below.
Game advice aheet Name: ( the name of your game) Game type look bellow) Game genre: (look bellow) Game info/storyabout your game, what do you do?) charater sheet: ( if one)
Elite Host status fill-out Name: (Your name) Gm type: (How you manage your games) Game typeWhat kind of games would you like to host?) Game genreWhat genre of game?) history: (You have to have at least 2 successful games)
RPG: Role-Playing Game. You control a character.
Gun/Squad: Any game where you go deep into the guns and be specific, or control a select SMALL group of people or creatures
Survival: A game where random events happen that threaten your life. Usually where you are stranded or lost. Misc: A random game such as " get down from the building" and " kill the boss" Word: or Mod annoyance games, those games are discouraged. ) ) Game Genres:
Fantasy: any game that takes plae in the past. in the midevel times with " griffons and mages"
Futuristic: A game that takes place in the future with energy waepons and space craft
Zombie: A game that contins zombie and survival
Evolution: game that invlove animals tha eill change there Phenotype AND there Genotype.( change ther looks and abilitys)
Apocalypse: Aame when society and government has failed and you are left in a lawless world
May i ask the hosts from my previous thread to not begin this with Talking and instead there sign ups and ideas... ( i want the first page to be impressive)
Lol. Rampage, if you're that bored, you could at least offer a few suggestions for my RPG, or give me some good questions. If you do come up with an idea of your own, I'd be glad to help.
Bro you've made ~4 gladiator games in the past 30 days, I think you're overdoing it.
I did mean pre-slavery African tribes, maybe seen as a Vodun spirit. Now, sticking to a specific tribe is a good idea for a different RPG, but I was thinking you wouldn't be limited with a certain tribe/area/etc. You know, to make it as open-ended as we can.
Hmm... I somewhat like the control-your-tribe one more, becoming your own deity would get too complex and too frustrating early on and I don't think many people would join. Maybe your tribe could have a special perk based on the environment, (Example, a tribe in a plains environment might have the Windrunner perk, which improves hunting yields, shortens travel time and MIGHT unlock a unique military unit) Would anyone besides myself be interested in a game like this?
Hm, I suppose you're right. Well, depending on how it's made, controlling a tribe might not be too bad of an idea. Would you still cause "supernatural" occurances like earthquakes, miracles, etc., or would this just be tribe management?
Would you still cause "supernatural" occurances like earthquakes, miracles, etc., or would this just be tribe management?
A little bit of both, I was thinking of a Points system to use powers; you would generate points based on how many religious followers you have, recovering mysterious artifacts, `and other ways I'm still thinking of.
Hm, not bad. Maybe if you want to keep the god aspect, you could play as a loa. A loa (pronounced LOW-uh) is a spirit of the Vodun religion. I love the follower system; I was thinking of something like that for my original concept.
hey what about a game like skyrim but " simce i now NOTHING a bout the game" well edit it, like Dragon slayer or somthing... you come from a small village and you have a big quest to be the best dragon slayer.
Basicly every one has a Arua that is an electric field aroun them some pulse, othere are stable, and they verry in colors. when you play the more brutal force you use that get weeker and turns red " rage" the smarter you think and the more you study the stronger it get you get to see other aruas, ( you ask a seeer to see your color for you and that detrmins what kind of " magic" you can yo use
Omni, are you talking about an aura? (I think you mean auric instead of aruaic.) And sorry, so would you choose the color of your aura at sign-up to use a certain school of magic?