Well I generally post videos more than watch ones, but Edbassmaster's channel is hilarious. Also Julian Smith is funny. I do flash game gameplays if you care to watch them. My channels name is Elfofiron.
My favorite is the duck song.My friend Brandon was singing this in class one day and I'm like ''Brandon ....what are doingBrandon said''to just look up the duck song......it was made by forrestfire101, those other ones are crap.
vsauce looks and sounds like a child molester to me ... but I love his videos, and MinutePhysics and SmarterEveryDay in the same vane.
Other channels (usually on the daily most watched page of YouTube):
Epic Meal Time Smosh Ray William Johnson (EqualsThree) Machinima (not so much MachinimaRespawn) -Specifically "Two Best Friends Play..." and "Top 10 FTW" and also "Freeman's Mind (AccursedFarms)" and "Sanity Not Included (Not Safe for Work)" RoosterTeeth -"Fails of the Weak (Halo Reach)" "Achievement Hunter Horse" "Rage Quit (Not safe for work)" and "Animated Adventures" are all great FPSRussia Julian Smith (It looks like his recent content is quite different from the classic stuff, so it's well worth a look back into his earlier videos)
(Others already mentioned in this topic)
If you fancy "How to Annoy People in Call of Duty" you should also check out "This Gun F***ing Sucks" on Machinima, and I don't know how you couldn't thoroughly enjoy "The Online Gamer" by RecklessTortuga.
Lol funny I just made a thread about youtube, because I thought it didn't existe on armorgames. And now I see this thread about youtube! Unbelievble... Well, here is my thread about youtube: http://armorgames.com/community/thread/9377185/youtube-sharing-and-commenting-videos/page/1#post-9377202
and this is my first video I made on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PJg__Y7T0U
Some Battlefield/CoD gameplays are interesting with certain commenters, video game related musical parodies are often funny, when they're not forced. Tryhardninja and danbull are great at making them. Some random viral videos that end up looped like "My Horse is Amazing" and "Awesome Face Song" are also good for a laugh.