Mine would be a Triple Kill I got in domination once. I was only using a Magnum and their were 3 guys capturing a flagpoint, and I got all of them with my Magnum. All three kills were headshots to!
I was in mid-air and I head shotted someone Also I was falling down at speed and I killed some one with the first heavy rocket launcher(can't remember the name)
Once the "(name) is obviously a hacker" thing pops up in the lower left corner, it's kind of funny. Then you headshot someone while caring a flag and dropping by at "speed kill" speed just before getting sniped with a rocket launcher.
I almost beat the last level of alien campaign on my first few tries. That was the most epic thing I have done in Raze 2 I think... Now I always get owned and I have given up... I resorted to playing the hacked version just too see the end...
Human campaign Level 10 the 1 on 1 commander battle. I shot the guy with a rocket , and he respawned in the same spot, so i shot him again. DOUBLE KILL!<with one person!
You beat level 11 in one go!? Man!!! That level took me FOREVER!
Well, when I beat level 10, I started on level 11 right away. I played thirty seconds into it, and then I quit the match since I was doing bad. Then, I started it again, and beat it.