Anyone need help on any levels??? Ill try to answer the best i can.
How I can beat this?
i already finished the game. i had some problems to beat it but i dont remember how i cleared that.
Just kidding It is average tenfold giant endurance, I will make on this wave ~200 100k hp giants anyway.
How many waves are in the endurance mode? does it differ on stage to stage? What is the best way to get exp on the non poly stages?
1337Different composition of "Monster amount"-constant for each field with "giants only" with "random waves", well random HP based on base filed exp. Higher - more hp.Best way - maxed settings endurance - premium only.
when is the next chapter gna be released??
I need help on K9 and L11, my gems are just not powerful enough. =[
Right question doesn't need answer.You definitely need to level up.
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