ForumsThe TavernYour Favorite Christmas Traditions

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1,531 posts

Almost everyone who celebrates Christmas has little things that they traditionally do on or for the holiday. What are your favorites?

Here's a few of mine:

The Christmas Eve Ride
Every year on Christmas Eve, my family and I will get in the car around 8 o'clock in the evening, tune the radio to a channel with Christmas music, and just go riding around our town, the next town over, and the nearby counties and look at all of the Christmas lights and decorations people have up. Some people decorate simple, and others go all-out with the lights, but either way it is always enjoyable.

The Tunnel
Like a lot of people, we have a battery-powered train that we set up around the Christmas tree each year. When I wrap gifts to go under the tree, I make sure to use a lot of those pre-formed pop-up boxes that you can get so that there are a bunch of square or rectangular packages, then I put these together into a tunnel over the tracks. It's something I started doing when I was real little, and I've just kept doing it over the years.

The Newspaper's Trains
The editor of our local newspaper is also a collector of HO-scale trains, and every year he'll set up four or five of them in the lobby of the newspaper office for everyone to see. I always try to get downtown and look at the train setups at least once before the holiday.

The "Christmas Guard"
Remember when the movie "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" came out? I was a lot younger then, and the idea of someone stealing Christmas sort of made me flip out a bit. So, I got out all of my toy soldiers and tanks and so on and set them up under the tree to guard it. My thinking was that if the Grinch showed up, he was going to have a fight on his hands. Obviously, I've grown up since then, but I still set up a few things like that each year just for the fun of it.

Well, those are some of my Christmas traditions. What are yours?

  • 14 Replies
539 posts

Drinking alcohol at any time of day without anyone considering me as an alcoholic. I do it every year at Christmas, so I class it as a tradition.

204 posts

I love it when we decorate the Christmas tree. It seems really boring, but me and my brother and sister see it as a contest( I know, it's immature) and consider each ornament as a point, and weirder ornaments as up to 5 points, and we get VERY competetive.

3,139 posts

I've never been a huge fan of Christmas and i don't envisage that to change majorly. I do however like certain traditions.

Every year two weeks before Christmas, me and my friends go for a beer (Or several) in the Christmas market. I also enjoy opening one present from under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve with my family.
I don't attend Church much, but Midnight Mass is always beautiful too me too.

However - Bah, Humbug.

923 posts

I don't have any traditions. The only I do is go visit my family and spend time with them. Not very interesting, right? My thoughts exactly.

4,220 posts

Getting **** I'll never use.

The only part I like.

138 posts

My family and I (mostly I) bake sugar cookies together and decorate them and then we give them to our neighbors. We used to all do it together but now it's mostly just me.

1,531 posts

I think I know some people who hang a pickle on the tree as tradition, or something of that sort. Interesting much?

Yes, I've heard of this. It started several centuries ago in Germany. The last decoration on the tree was a pickle, carefully hidden in the branches. As legend goes, whoever found the pickle would be blessed with good fortune in the coming year.
One of the store chains near where I live actually carries blown-glass ornaments of pickles, with a little card telling the tradition as well. I have one,

I love it when we decorate the Christmas tree. It seems really boring, but me and my brother and sister see it as a contest( I know, it's immature) and consider each ornament as a point, and weirder ornaments as up to 5 points, and we get VERY competetive.

Sounds like fun!
1,627 posts

As a Jew, my favorite Christmas tradition is to eat Chinese food on Christmas Eve, and go to the theater on Christmas Day! XD

1,531 posts

As a Jew, my favorite Christmas tradition is to eat Chinese food on Christmas Eve, and go to the theater on Christmas Day! XD

Well hey, whatever puts oil in your Menorrah! ;D

Actually, my Dad and I usually watch a movie or two after the family gets done opening presents on Christmas Day. Most times it's something that was under the tree.
1,627 posts

Well hey, whatever puts oil in your Menorrah! ;D

It's actually a Hannukiah lol

One think I like about Christmas are all the pretty lights that go up about everywhere.
1,531 posts

One think I like about Christmas are all the pretty lights that go up about everywhere.

Yeah, those are nice. My family and I always decorate the outside with lights and garlands. Dad got ahold of some older C-7 and C-9 light sets a few years ago. The C-9s are almost as big as those pointy light bulbs you can get for chandeliers. We've got them intertwined with garland and strung around the windows and the eaves of the house along with icicle lights in the front and the regular "mini" lights strung through some small trees and bushes. Lit up all at once, it's actually brighter than our regular porch lights, at least two of which are high-intensity florescent types.
4,710 posts

we decorate the christmas tree, and, before its evening, we put the gifts under the tree. we eat our christmas dinner and watch then some christmas movies or make something else to pass the time. at midnight we share then our gifts and look at the happy face of the gift-gainer. then we put all the paper in the trash can, put our gifts away and go to sleep.

187 posts

My tradition is hanging the stockings with care hoping St.Nick would be there! JK my tradition is opening one present on new year eve.

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