ForumsThe TavernSanta Clause

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Well we all know it is that time of year again, so you had better repent now. Do you want to risk not getting presents on Christmas day? Of course you don't. If you just believe and be a good little boy/girl, then on Christmas day he will come and grant you your wish. I have had many personal experiences with Santa clause, you just need faith. And besides, even if he doesn't exist, he is a good code for morality, so you should follow him anyway. So repent, nonbelievers, and this Christmas will be filled with gifts!

  • 14 Replies
5,340 posts


im not jewish but because my grandparents are i had "experiences" with him XD.

technically i agree it teaches good morale. but over all, even the bad children probably get presents because the parents wouldnt dare get them coal (thats what you believe bad children get right?).

5,340 posts

ok... fail. im not christian (im jewish) but my grandparents are

5,129 posts

this is what i think about christmass. santa clause is a rip off from my countrys children holiday tradition. called "sinterklaas" - sinter klaas - santa clause. (+ coca cola)

in hungary this same person has a holiday where parents scare their children because they believe he is a mean old man.

anyway here is evrything you want to know from him. ive readed it all and can confirm most of it. the rest i didn't know about myself.

3,817 posts

this is what i think about christmass. santa clause is a rip off from my countrys children holiday tradition. called "sinterklaas" - sinter klaas - santa clause. (+ coca cola)

in hungary this same person has a holiday where parents scare their children because they believe he is a mean old man.

anyway here is evrything you want to know from him. ive readed it all and can confirm most of it. the rest i didn't know about myself.

Yes but then Atnas the prophet came along and changed everything, so we don't have to listen to the old books anymore.
819 posts

Then you can't blame me when you burn your coal in the fireplace wishing it was a present.

No but I will be glad for some warmth while I play on my iTouch.

May the Claus be with you.

I sense a disturbance in the force. Another joke religion perhaps? Messing with the order of things are you? Well congratulations and good luck.

technically i agree it teaches good morale. but over all, even the bad children probably get presents because the parents wouldnt dare get them coal (thats what you believe bad children get right?).

That reminds me other Christmas dinner that my theatre club had a week or so ago. I gave coal to people just for the fun of it. It was fake but the message was clear.

To talk about how Santa has effected your life, any of your personal experiences with Santa, and if some nonbeliever comes around, to debate weather he is real or not. Which we all know he is.

Of course he is real. I see him all the time at the mall and once at a veterans bar.
539 posts

My kids believe in Father Christmas, more so because we encourage it. We want them to believe that there is someone who is benevolent and rewards those who have been good to one another.

My wife believes in God and, as mentioned in another thread, I believe in Dudeism (without the rug) but what we do for our kids has nothing to do with religion, but to teach them that it is a good thing to be kind to people for the sake of being kind. It isn't about presents, it is about good will to everyone and understanding that everyone has their own interpretation of what this time of year means.

Personally I believe it is time off from work to spend with my family. I didn't have a family I related to growing up and I yearned to be a part of something that meant something. I found that with my wife and now my children.

Turn Christmas into what you believe, but allow others to have their own version. The true meaning of Christmas is that we all have a holiday for two days that we get to decide what we really want... and all I want for Christmas is to see my family smile and enjoy.

4,710 posts

My kids believe in Father Christmas, more so because we encourage it. We want them to believe that there is someone who is benevolent and rewards those who have been good to one another.

so, if you are good you get a gift, if you are bad you get still something? "tommy, you burned the neighbours house, here is your xbox360".

christmas is good and bad. its good because you can see the happy faces of the gift-takers, but its bad because it tells that you get only something if you were good.

3,139 posts

Do Americans spell Claus, Clause?

That's all i gathered from this thread.
I'm twenty.

13,657 posts

christmas is good and bad. its good because you can see the happy faces of the gift-takers, but its bad because it tells that you get only something if you were good.

Let's go back to the older traditions, that stated that the bad kids got kidnapped never to return?

It's not an ideal way of teaching good behaviour, but considering it is a part of the modern way of bringing up children, I guess it was just before its time.

As for the rest of this topic:
Everyone needs a bit of childlike faith. Whether one then also believe in something else, that is up to them, but childlike faith is important to everyone.
1,608 posts

Well, I think that today society just uses Santa for sales. I don't think that the "big" people with a million dollar company care for 1 happy kid. They care for their wallet, their houses and 20 cars.

539 posts

If my kids did something really wrong, and I mean something that had an effect on someone for a given period, they wouldn't get presents for Christmas. They may well get nice gifts from friends and family, but from my wife and I, they'd get little or nothing.

Our family works because we follow through with what we say. If one of the kids decides to be nasty, he/she is sent to their room and they stay there. They're fed, they're warm and we don't beat them or anything like that, but there is discipline in the house because we don't want kids who go into the world as disrespectful brats.

There are consequences to every action and if that means putting a Christmas present already bought into storage, I'll do it. Not a problem with it as it teaches a lesson. Thankfully I have 3 kids and they're all considerate and respectful to others and each other, do I doubt I'll ever have to follow through with the threat of cancelling Christmas, but each of them know that it is better to be nice to one another and the people around them than to be nasty and selfish.

93 posts

Santa Clause
Do Americans spell Claus, Clause?
Nope, he spelled it wrong. I don't see why somebody who believes in santa claus will spell "claus" wrong.

Santa is just an excuse for me getting more presents. I learned that he wasn't real a loooong time ago.
240 posts

If Santa makes the toys, why am I finding all these reciepts, price tags, etc.? And why he gotta steal my cookies and milk?

417 posts

The Santa Clause is really not every good. First of all, we are supposed to have a separation of church and state, but what really bothers me is that congress would pass a bill saying that we must have at least two rascals per household, and then slap a clause saying that my rascals can't be chained to the roof on December 25.

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