So, as I call upon my fellow bronies out there who happen to be looking on ArmorGames for brony forums, I have noticed something quite perplexing...
Now, I joined the herd while the popular background pony Derpy Hooves was still becoming a sub-meme to the brony population, but I have noticed that a lot of bronies, some legendary fanfics (Fallout: Equestria), and some PMV's on YouTube are saying that Derpy's actual name is Ditzy Doo, which is what I believed to be Derpy's daughter's name. Pretty much they are saying Derpy could be an offensive name to our popular background pony because of the eye situation. I'm totally fine with the possible name change, but two things need to be answered:
1) If Derpy is now Ditzy, then what is Ditzy's (her daoughter) name?
2) Which name is correct? We really need to figure this out.
Use the thread already made. There is already a thread on MLP, making more with a slightly different subtopic is still a thread on MLP. Locking as duplicate.