can anyone please tell me what is actionscript??i have seen it mentioned in a lot of places........and also tell me where can i learn it............and can i use it in StencylWorks?????
Actionscript is the programming language used in flash files. I don't know if you can use it in StencylWorks, but if that outputs a .swf file it must use actionscript somewhere
action script is a type of coding it is used in adobe flash pro it is what allows people to program flash games like fancy pants adventures and others. You can learn some of it here-->[url=]and here-->[url=] but first you may want to download a free trial for flash pro at
well to be more accuarte on what AS (actionscript) is: AS wiki articale
But in my own words AS was a programming langues to "better the internet" It was a leading langague in "meta data" or "multi-media" it went farther than html could at its time and an AS .swf file could me put in to HTML and with the use of the flash player look and work ruffly the same from system to system it turned the internet from a peaice of digital paper to a whole new world, though AS was not the only one I would say it did the best at what it does, Java people sit down... AS and java both do "meta-data" but AS focuses on the graphics, the user, the programer, the experiance, the power, java thinks more about compatabliaty and easy and simple programing (some time the make it to simple) so I think of the as to differant thing for differant reasons.
Now AS3 came in adobe and macromeadia joined some time ago adobe focusing on making AS more than just for the iternet and made AIR a Flash player for you desktop so you did not need internt for flash any more and macromeadia focused on the internet side more (or it could be the other way around... sorry XD) when they Joined and made AS3 they added both and made it "OOP" object orinetaded programming, you will learn this and what it is soon in AS3 and AS3 became more than just for meta-data or multi-media it became a powerfull 3D rendering desktop app or internet data programming langague!
That is my view of AS3 in a small nut shell I may have some stuff wrong and I am sorry if so. I have been learning it for about 2 years and this I what I got out of many many articales of programmers,
But about learning AS3 I sugest ORiely books ( they are recommended by adobe.
And for righting it I sugest Flashdevelop for windows FDT5 free (max is $600) For linux (dat me iz use linux :3) and mac and just look up AS3 IDE if you don't like those