ForumsForum GamesThe Sperrgerat: A New Era

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In the 1960s, the world was engulfed in a new kind of war. A war that relied not on guns or soldiers, but on documents and spies. The Cold War. The stakes were higher than they had ever been before...a slip of the tongue, a mistaken shot fired, one mistake could trigger a cataclysmic series of events and end the world in one fatal stroke.
Fearing that a nuclear war might begin at any time, world leaders decide to form a new group, one specifically created to help avoid an all-out war between the Soviet Union and the United States(which would ultimately end in world annihilation), as well as try to put an end to several of the other wars across the globe. This new group was christened the "Sperrgerat", or "Suppressor". The idea was for this group to basically be several violent peacekeepers: eliminate anything that might trigger war, silently and quickly, before other people start dying. Several nations, or at least alliances, sent a delegate, a liaison if you will, to the Sperrgerat. The hopes were that this cooperation between nations on a relatively small scale would lead to improved relations on a much larger scale. However, this was not to be the case. In addition to being a cooperative effort between nations in an attempt to keep peace, the Sperrgerat became a prime opportunity for countries to weasel information from one another, interfere with outside operations, steal equipment and research, etc.
Still, for all the flaws of the operatives and their slightly less-than-altruistic motivations, the Sperrgerat managed to do its job. The covert organization upheld the world peace, to a certain degree, and saved the world more times than censors will allow me to admit. A few outed military secrets, suspicious fatal accidents, and disappearing prototypes seemed a small price to pay in exchange for avoiding world annihilation.
But as time passed, so did the apparent need for the Sperrgerat. Military crises and emergencies stopped coming; the Berlin Wall was dismantled and the two Germanies were reunited, South Korea became a technological superpower with a booming economy while North Korea faded away, countries began the process of nuclear disarmament, the Oslo Accords pacified the warring nations of Israel and Palestine, and the Soviet Union collapsed. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait was quickly dismantled by NATO and American troops, and the world convinced itself that the radical Islamist leaders of the Middle East were nothing more than insane dictators who commanded no real power. Dreams of a new era of peace and tranquility consumed the world after decades of violence, paranoia, and hostility. The United States walked out of the Cold War victorious, and it seemed that peace had finally won out over violence. The Sperrgerat became nothing more than an obsolete third wheel, draining financial funds and costing foreign diplomats what little sleep they managed to get at night. Even with the bloodiest conflict since World War II raging in Bosnia-Herzegovina, there was no one who had not convinced themselves that this era would be different, that peace would win out over violence.
So, on October 19, 1993, after just over 3 decades of policing the world, the Sperrgerat was officially disbanded by a top-secret United Nations military tribunal. Former members of the confidential organization scattered across the globe. Some went into hiding in remote countries, some returned to their old duties in national intelligence agencies or the military, a few were killed by state-sponsored assassins or in the line of duty, some went rogue as arms dealers or hitmen, and the lucky ones retired with a shiny new identity, a white picket fence, and a pistol under their pillow. The world looked the other way and enjoyed its new era. The year 2000 was even crowned as the "International Year for the Culture of Peace".
It didn't last long. A violent revolt by the Palestinian people was countered by the largest Israeli military operation since the Six Day War, North and South Korea remained hostile despite multiple attempts at peace, and the worst terrorist attack in history occurred on American soil. Shortly afterward, the "new era" was shattered into pieces. The United States military invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, bombing began anew between Israel and Palestine, and the world was hit with the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression. After an emergency meeting of the United Nations security council delegates, an official consensus was reached to recommission the Sperrgerat. Communications were sent out, old Sperrgebiets were dusted off and modernized, and extensive searches were launched to find suitable candidates for membership. Finally, after months of exhaustive digging, the world's greatest secret was resurrected anew. The Sperrgerat had finally arrived, to combat old foes and unforeseen dangers alike with the same paranoia, wit, and charm of old hand in hand with the modern technology and fresh perspective of the new era.

Character Sheet
---------------Basic Information---------------------
Name: Full first and last name required. Middle name or initial optional, call sign optional.
Age: 18-40.
Gender: Male/Female
Country: You may choose what country you want to be from(and you can be from almost any country in the world), but there can be only one liaison from each country, and it is first-come, first-served.
Rank: The higher your Rank, the higher the quality and quantity of the equipment and information that I, as your intel officer, can provide for you. You can advance in rank by doing a good job, basically. Right now your rank is Recruit[1]. As a Sperrgerat liaison, you have the ability to command most enlisted soldiers from your country if you tell them who you are. However, it may not always be prudent to tell anyone your identity and occupation.
Status: Your status is the condition that you are currently in; for example, if you were sick, healthy, cut, had something broken, or whatever. Right now your Status is Healthy.
Health: Unlike your status, your health is in numbers. It's basically just how much more damage you can take before you die. You get your Health by multiplying your Endurance by your Toughness then adding 10. If you have 0 points in Toughness, then this is Endurance +10.
Languages: What languages you are fluent in. You will get one language automatically(determined by what country you are from), and any additional languages will be determined by dividing your Intelligence by 2(rounding down in case of a decimal). If you have any additional languages, you can choose them. Fluency in languages includes literacy, but you will still have an accent unless you take Linguistics Training.
Allies: None.
Enemies: None.
Each beginning operative has 20 points in all, in the below categories.
Strength: Your strength is physical strength, how much damage you deal in melee combat, how much you can lift or carry, etc.
Agility: Your agility is your speed, dexterity, etc. It's basically how fast you are, how easily you can climb, run, swim, or do other athletic activities, etc.
Intelligence: Your intelligence is how smart you are. Your Intelligence affects how well you handle equipment such as guns, vehicles, etc, as well as how hard you are to lie to, and how many languages you speak.
Charisma: Charisma is how persuasive you are, how likely people are to believe you, etc.
Endurance: Endurance is how tough you are. It affects how much damage you can take, how long you can continue doing a task, etc.
Each beginning operative starts out with 80 Expertise points. Your skill in something is determined by the base stat of that skill times your expertise in that skill.

[Str]Hand-to-Hand Combat[Expertise/Total]:
[Str]Melee Weapons[Expertise/Total]:



[End]Explosives/Heavy Weapons[Expertise/Total]:


Most skills are relatively self-explanatory, but if you have questions about any of them, feel free to ask.

Training: See below.
Perk: This is a little bit like the "special" part from training, but it comes from your biography and I pick it.

In character interaction, skills such as Convince, Intimidate, and Bluff/Lie are irrelevant. If and when you tell them a lie or attempt to convince another player of something, then it is entirely up to them whether or not they believe you. Similarly, skills such as Perception that allow you to better detect lies become useless as well.


Training is formal training that your character has received. Usually, you will only have the training that you start out with, but you may acquire additional training as you level up. Generally, training determines a character's area of expertise.
You may choose one area of training.

Martial Arts Training
+30 to Hand to Hand Combat, +10 to Melee Weapons.
Special: You may choose a single martial art(i.e. kung fu, sambo, tae kwon do, etc.) and you learn all of the special moves associated with that martial art.
Normal(without this training): You are more of a street fighter or brawler, you can perform basic kicks, punches, and grapples but do not know any special moves.

Infiltration Training
+10 to Stealth, +5 to Running, +10 to Climbing/Jumping, +5 to Swimming, +10 to Breaking/Entering.
Special: You take decreased damage when falling, climb up walls normally without climbing equipment, and balance while running on narrow surfaces. Think parkour.
Normal(without this training): You must move slowly on slippery surfaces/narrow ground/etc. take normal damage when falling, and suffer penalties when scaling a surface with no climbing equipment.

Linguistics Training
+4 Languages.
Special: You can speak any spoken language with no accent or any falsified accent you want.
Normal(without this training): You speak all non-native languages with a set accent that you cannot change, and that can identify your original language to a native speaker.

Mechanical Training
+20 to Engineering/Mechanics, +20 to Codebreaking/Safecracking.
Special: You gain the ability to try again on a safecracking or codebreaking attempt, even if the terminal has been locked following a failed attempt.
Normal(without this training): After you have been locked out of a terminal or a vault has been sealed, etc. you cannot attempt to hack or crack it again.

Medical Training
+30 to Medical, +5 to Recovery, +5 to Toughness.
Special: You can attempt to heal yourself with no effect on the result, assuming that you do not administer drugs.
Normal(without this training): Attempts to heal yourself suffer a heavy penalty.

Weapons Training
+20 to Firearms, +20 to Explosives/Heavy Weapons.
Special: You can select a specific body part to aim for without penalty.
Normal(without this training): While you can select a specific body part to aim for, you take a penalty on the shot overall for doing so.

Morale Training
+30 to Hit Points, +10 to Willpower.
Special: You do not take a penalty on any activity due to pain, and penalties received due to injury are lessened.
Normal(without this training): You would normally take penalties on all activities you attempt if you are in pain, and a higher penalty if you are injured.

You can make your own Training, but I must approve it first.
Post your sheet, then I will start you on the game.

  • 8,302 Replies
26,390 posts

I thought that too, though why are you cheering for Utah?

Because the Jazz rock your socks, son.

54) Triglycerides are composed of a glycerol molecule and three fatty acids. Saturated Fatty Acids have no double bonds in the Carbon Skeleton. Unsaturated Fatty Acids contain at least one double bond in the Carbon Skeleton. Amino acids have an Amino Group, a Carboxyl Group, and an R Group. A Phospholipid looks like this: O= ACSii art ^^

Never forget: biology isn't cool. It's COOH!
Lol. Nerdiest joke ever.

Hyper, i expected that joke, but not from you...

Dun dun dun dah dun...dah. Dun dun dah dun dun dun dah dun....
26,677 posts

"Do you really have to ask?" --he has a heavy Irish accent

"You some kind of Demo Man or something?"
PIG and HOG..... I know I've known what those were, but I can't seem to bring it to my mind.

6,800 posts

Lol. Nerdiest joke ever.

What did the DNA wear on his date? Designer GENES!

32: Hypotonic Solution: Animal Cells lyse, and Plant Cells are Turgid.
Isotonic Solution: Animal Cells are Normal, and Plant Cells are Flaccid.
Hypertonic Solution: Animal Cells Shrivel, and Plant Cells are Plasmolyzed.
16,287 posts

Amir is f'in clueless bout that

26,390 posts

PIG and HOG..... I know I've known what those were, but I can't seem to bring it to my mind.

PIG = Professionally Instructed Gunman
HOG = Hunter Of Gunmen

Basically, are you a sniper or counter-sniper?
6,800 posts


American Sniper School/Ranger Slang. PIG is a 'Professionally Instructed Gunman' and a HOG is a 'Hunter of Gunmen'. HOGs are better than PIGs.

Basically, are you a sniper or counter-sniper?

No. Are you a Designated Marksmen, or an actual Sniper.

27) ATP is made of Adenine, Ribose, and three Phosphates.
26,677 posts

He sighs.
"I'm ****ing Irish....."

Mav, he is awaiting a response from Chemist regarding his codename.

Hyper, last i checked, you blamed Dibs, not me.

16,287 posts

"Oh Irish, sorry for my lack of knowledge, i am from a remote part of Afghanistan" he lets his accent betray his english

26,390 posts

What did the DNA wear on his date? Designer GENES!

Lol, nice.
What do you call a chemist who has $1,000,000?
A molionaire!

Hyper, last i checked, you blamed Dibs, not me.

Sheeeeeeeeesh, it was a joke.

No. Are you a Designated Marksmen, or an actual Sniper.

Oops. At least I got the acronyms right. >.>
6,800 posts

'THe mission is still classified. As for my nickname, it involved 200lbs of Opium, a can of gasoline, and a terrorist cell holed up in a cave.'

Chemist smiles, as if remembering the past date.

6,800 posts

What do you call a chemist who has $1,000,000?


How do you anger a herbologist?
-Call him a 'sporophyte hugger'.

39) If a cell in G1 has 24 chromosomes, than it will have 24 Chromosomes at the end of Mitosis, 24 Chromosomes as the end of Meiosis I, and 12 Chromosomes as the end of Meiosis II.
26,677 posts

Arabic: "I know."
He has 8 Int.

"Sounds fun. I've been DM, Pointman, Scout/Sniper, Demo Man, Support Gunner, pretty much anything you can think of."

16,287 posts

he frowns and then says "Well what organization did i work for?"

good luck with dat

6,800 posts

English: 'You special forces? Or were you poking a stick at the Brits back in the day?'

51) A Somatic Cell is another name for a body cell. A Gamete is an egg or sperm cell. Haploid is the number of chromosomes in a set given to you by one parent. Diploid is the number of chromosomes in a set given to you by both parents.

26,390 posts

he frowns and then says "Well what organization did i work for?"

Except that's not even the right country. >.>

How do you anger a herbologist?
-Call him a 'sporophyte hugger'.

What do all mathematicians name their daughters?
Showing 1891-1905 of 8302