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the purpose of this threat is that you write you favorite tv series below and we can discuss about the caracters and the series. Please tell also why it is you favorite

i will go ahead my favorite tv series is family guy and american dad its just holarius

  • 3 Replies
40 posts

My favourite Tv series is the "Deadliest Catch". Why do I like it so much? Well when I was 13, I held a job by a self-employed "crabber" on a fishing boat in the Chesapeake Bay. Every day was the same routine and it was alot of hard physical work for a person my age. 50 dollars a day I made, and I spent almost every dollar of it on my Gibson Sg and Line 6 amplifier. I still had some left over though.

As for the "Deadliest Catch", I enjoy watching it because I can relate more directly to the crew members than most. Watching the captain give orders and tell his crew where he's going to put his crab pots and why, brings up memories of my captain. He'd also tell me which spots were good at what time of the year and explain small details or habits about crabs that I never would have known without working that job.

All in all, "Deadliest Catch" is a pretty sick show that anybody that has a taste for hard work and ocean life will enjoy.

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

I like a lot of TV series, but right now I'm addicted to "Modern Family". It is so funny and I really laugh when I see the show.
I also enjoy watching police series and one of my favourite is "The Mentalist". In my opinion, the best character is Patrick Jane. He's brilliant.

28 posts

House M.D. And LOST

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