ForumsThe TavernWhat Do Dreams Mean / Do To You?

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Hello -- I've not posted on AG much in a while and barely so in The Tavern, but I'm gonna hit this up and just leave out some discussion.
What Do Dreams Do or Mean To You?

I tend to find that they mean something viable in real life to me -- usable as guidance or some support in some way, often in intricate and strange ways however I always look at the aspects of the dream (the one causing me to post this was a zombie apocalypse... haha) and am able to draw from real life as well - it's very helpful to me.

So I ask, whether you have lucid dreams, free dreams or if you have influence in them -- what are they, what do you decipher or gain from them, if you actually know what it's about, how much you remember (and why would you think) and do you even care?

Be as in depth as you please -- I will be checking on this quite often I would think.
Oh and of course -- are your dreams part of the popular theories of what they are? Perhaps it's expressing your "inner-most desires" or something. I can say, with confidence, that is what mine was primarily about (I do not desire most humans to die and become undead, thanks :P ) ^^

- H

  • 14 Replies
5,552 posts

Dreams to me are one of two things.

1) They reflect what I physically feel. My best example for this is a dream I always have when my wrist falls asleep, I am being chased by wolves and they bite off my hand. I've had other dreams like that, once I had a bloody nose and I dreamed that I was in a sewer with water dripping onto me, I woke up with a lot of blood on me. I had a broken toe and and dreamed that my foot was crushed whenever I bumped it in the night and it woke me up.

2) They reflect what I saw that day/thought about a lot. If I went to a museum or something, if I have a dream it's most likely going to be about something in the past.

I don't think dreams mean anything - they might reflect something you weren't aware of, like a hate/like of someone, or a fear, but other than that none of the "dream theories" are credible. You won't prophesize things from your dream and you can interpret them metaphorically any way you want to fit anything.

138 posts

My dreams almost always have to do with something that has occurred within the past few days, or something big that I know is coming up. Occasionally they have to do with what I am feeling, but those dreams are few and far between. Usually my dreams mean almost nothing to me and they don't really affect anything about how I am going about doing something. Usually if I have a nightmare though, it occurs more than one night, and then I do get a bit cautious with what I'm doing or going to do. But all in all I think dreams are just things of your imagination that you either really want to see or up don't want to see at all

37 posts

Dreams are what I experience. How? you may be asking? Well what I experience throughout my day or what I have experienced in the past makes my dreams. It may be about the person I like, a show I watched, or maybe even a game!
That is what a dream means to me.

230 posts

dreams are a subconscious reminder to show up to school in underwear

3,025 posts

1) They reflect what I physically feel. My best example for this is a dream I always have when my wrist falls asleep, I am being chased by wolves and they bite off my hand. I've had other dreams like that, once I had a bloody nose and I dreamed that I was in a sewer with water dripping onto me, I woke up with a lot of blood on me. I had a broken toe and and dreamed that my foot was crushed whenever I bumped it in the night and it woke me up.

Are these dreams by any chance re occurring under those circumstances? :P

2) They reflect what I saw that day/thought about a lot. If I went to a museum or something, if I have a dream it's most likely going to be about something in the past.

It's quite surprisingly actually. I never have that occur -- it's usually about things I genuinely think about or at least a few days after it's happened.

but other than that none of the "dream theories" are credible.

And I completely understand that, of course -- theories, that are more like a hypothesis.

they might reflect something you weren't aware of, like a hate/like of someone, or a fear,

That I think is a constant, first revealed... well -- four years ago actually, but I recognised it more like a year ago, during a different dream. It would've been quite sadistic had I not derived something from it, I'll tell you that ^^

You won't prophesize things from your dream and you can interpret them metaphorically any way you want to fit anything.

The first one er... remember, I'm not that illogical... :P
The second one... I think I know what I want -- hell, I'm the one who decides what I want (for the vast largest part), so when it comes to a dream I tend to be comfortable in finding out what it's about because it's me. (My sub-conscious, and the message is to me, if there is one) :P

Also, right now I'm on holiday but thanks for the reminder dieath, I'll show up to school in underwear when I can.

As for Soccergirl, and primarily Zeus01, they seem to be a fair recollection of recent events -- not all that surprising, when sleep is the brain processing today's events. :P

- H
4,710 posts

dreams inspire me sometimes to new ideas. but i enjoy them the most time because they are lucid (did i write it right?) sometimes.

5,340 posts

dreams is a very big subject. i believe that there are many kinds of dreams.

some dreams that can actually help you, some dreams that are made of memories that you cant remember (i hope that makes sense), some memories that are just plain memories and maybe some memories about the future too.

i had many dreams that helped me.

i love dreams that i DONT know they are dreams because they are like adventures etc.

but when i do know its a dream it just gets boring and the reality feeling leaves so there is no point in controlling them anymore which results in me waking up.

5,552 posts

Are these dreams by any chance re occurring under those circumstances? :P

Only the wolf one ever was. I've never woken up with a bloody nose since then, and I haven't broken my toe again either. I suspect the dreams would be similar/the same if the same physical stimulation caused them.

Onto the subject of lucid dreaming - All of my dreams which are caused by the #2 I listed are lucid dreams. Usually only in the context of the dream though, if I am on a boat, I can't make myself be in a space station. I could change the boat I'm on, what I have, who I'm with, what I'm doing on the boat, etc, but not the setting. Don't really know why.
6,800 posts

I think dreams are just the product of an over-active imagination. I started reading for 30-45 minutes before I went to bed everynight a while back, and the amount of dreams I've had has been cut down to practicaly zilch. If you just give your mind time to relax and slow down, then the main cause for dreams is removed.

My step-mom is into all that mumbo-jumbo about how each dream can tell about your spiritual/tao/thingy and.. stuff like that. I honestlyl think its just bull. Its rather funny when she tries to get all mystic on me:

'You had a falling dream, so that means you must be scared of heights.'

'Er, no actually.'

'Well, deep down, you're scared of heights.'

'No, really. I want to go into the airborne, and get HALO certified. I really would not mind jumping out of an airplane at incredible heights.'

'Oh, you poor soul.'

As for lucid dreams, I've never had one. Or if I have, then I don't remember it. I always hate that feeling you get when you wake up from some epic dream, and its on the tip of your tounge what happened, and you cant remember anything.

5,340 posts

1) They reflect what I physically feel. My best example for this is a dream I always have when my wrist falls asleep, I am being chased by wolves and they bite off my hand. I've had other dreams like that, once I had a bloody nose and I dreamed that I was in a sewer with water dripping onto me, I woke up with a lot of blood on me. I had a broken toe and and dreamed that my foot was crushed whenever I bumped it in the night and it woke me up.

hmmm... now that i read this comment carefully this happens to me alot too. i remember i had a dream where they used a really disgusting item in a play and it made me feel sick. i actually was sick and threw up

i also remember a dream where i was running in the hotel (i slept in a hotel that night) and i fell and broke my nose. i did fall of my bed, my nose hit an iron bar of the bed and started bleeding. the pain wasnt horrible so i just went back to sleep. in the morning, my nose was really bloody.

i also remember a dream that was alittle bit of sleepwalking. i dreamed that someone pinched me, so i pinched back. meanwhile, in the world of reality i was pinching myself and used more force every second because "he" was using more force too. then i woke up bleeding from my belly with blood on my hand.
16 posts

I think dreams reflect on the way you get up in the morning. Say if you constantly think of that one person all the time, chances are he/she will come in your dream.
Dreams are special, because they only belong to you, this is where you can escape.
I also think dreams tell us something, it may never happen... but maybe its a sign.
People who don't dream are boring 8)

3,025 posts

dreams inspire me sometimes to new ideas. but i enjoy them the most time because they are lucid (did i write it right?) sometimes.

Lucky you Do you have good influence on what your dreams are, instead of just what you do?

If you just give your mind time to relax and slow down, then the main cause for dreams is removed.

Okay... well, guess I'm not relaxing or slowing down then. ^^

'You had a falling dream, so that means you must be scared of heights.'

'Er, no actually.'

'Well, deep down, you're scared of heights.'

Permission to facedesk? ^^

I always hate that feeling you get when you wake up from some epic dream, and its on the tip of your tounge what happened, and you cant remember anything.

Tip of the tongue is a vastly distressful occurrence -- it need not only be dreams.

But yeah, pretty much all of my dreams are like that, aside from one or two which were incredibly shallow at best. The one I had a few nights ago (the one described in my first post) had a lot more too it but I can't remember the precise details...

i also remember a dream where i was running in the hotel (i slept in a hotel that night) and i fell and broke my nose. i did fall of my bed, my nose hit an iron bar of the bed and started bleeding. the pain wasnt horrible so i just went back to sleep. in the morning, my nose was really bloody.

On a side note -- being tackled by someone 6 foot tall and plays Rugby in school? Yeah, he ended up kicking me in my face with his heel on accident, and I blacked out for about 3 seconds. I came-to sitting down with the only feeling of bloody running down my lip -- my upper-face was entirely numb... heck, I didn't even know I was crying until tears streamed halfway down my cheeks. My eyes were still closed at the time, mostly out of a bit of fear, but when I heard everyone surrounding me and my teacher asking me if I'm alright, I chuckled and said I may need a tissue.

... Doesn't hurt complementing my friend on his kick, either. :P

then i woke up bleeding from my belly with blood on my hand.

Ouch... that is pretty darn strange, I must say. :P

Say if you constantly think of that one person all the time, chances are he/she will come in your dream.

Speaking from experience, I would need to disagree. :P

Although, I've found that my reluctance to think about some things helps me dream about them -- a reminder if you will. I've already talked about this in my first post if I remember correctly.

Dreams are special, because they only belong to you, this is where you can escape.

Same about thoughts. The problem with dreams is that you have no command over them whatsoever, most of the time -- and furthermore they don't come true -- which is likely the worst thing for a few dreams...

People who don't dream are boring 8)

... MLK is probably a very exciting person to you then yes?

- H
5,340 posts

Ouch... that is pretty darn strange, I must say. :P

not as weird as dreaming about those floaty shoes (zelda ocarina of time)and try them in real life XD

yes... my sleepwalking can be dangerous XD luckily i never got hurt except for pitching myself XP
3,766 posts

I have weird dreams. They make no sense. One minute I will be flying through the air, then the next I will be playing Battlefront with my friends in a grocery store.

Most of my dreams I cannot remember anyway. I will only remember 1 part that explains none of it.

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